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Lead Hazard Warnings on Pre-1978 Buildings

Lead Hazard Warnings on Pre-1978 Buildings

old fashioned double faucetsKeeping children safe from lead poisoning requires attention from everyone in a child's life. Lead is harmful to children because if they get enough of it in their bodies, it can limit their physical development. Lead is found in a variety of locations and products, such as old house paint and contaminated soil.

Permit Sonoma issues over-the-counter permits for work on existing pre-1978 buildings that may contain lead hazards. There are several resources about lead poisoning and prevention:

  1. Sonoma County Department of Health Services Lead Page
  2. Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch (CLPPB)
  3. Lead in Tap Water (PDF) – from CDPH
  4. House-Related Information from CDPH – Lead Paint:
  5. Index of Lead-Certified Professionals in California
    • Remodeling? Before remodeling, ask a trained professional to test the paint in your home.
  6. Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program