Natural Resources
The Natural Resources Division (formerly Environmental Review) evaluates the environmental impact of public projects, such as bridges, roads, and airport projects, to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other laws and regulations that protect water quality, biotic and cultural resources. Natural Resources staff also prepares Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) for private projects.
Natural Resources staff also work with resource agencies during the planning and design of public projects and obtain all applicable permits. They develop and implement mitigation and monitoring programs to ensure that biotic and cultural resources are protected during project construction and operation.
Private Bridge Permitting Assistance and Repair After the Sonoma Fires
If your bridge was damaged or destroyed in the 2017 Sonoma Complex Fire, you qualify for emergency permits. Find information that will help you guide projects through the environmental and regulatory permit process.
Active Public Projects
Estero Trail Plan and Designation of Estero Trail Corridors and Associated Staging Areas Project
Draft Environmental Impact Report »
Official Notices » (PDF: 806 KB)
- Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Notice of Public Scoping Meeting
- AB 52 Project Notification
Bohemian Highway Bridge Replacement
Notice of Availability Draft Bohemian Highway Bridge over the Russian River Replacement Project Programmatic Section 4(f) Evaluation» (PDF: 179 KB)
Final Bohemian Highway Bridge over the Russian River Replacement Project Programmatic Section 4(f) Evaluation (PDF: 22.7 MB)
Notice of Availability for EIR» (PDF: 668 KB)
Draft Environmental Impact Report » (PDF: 8 MB)
- Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Notice of Virtual Public Hearing
Meeting: May 17, 2022 Board of Supervisors »
For questions on the EIR process contact: or by phone at (707) 565-8356
Any other questions please see: Monte Rio Bridge Replacement »
Notice of Exemption Lakeville Creek Restoration Project
Notice of Exemption Lakeville Creek Restoration Project (PDF: 668 KB)
Other Significant Environmental Impact Reports »
Environmental Review Guidelines
The Environmental Review Guidelines will assist applicants in determining when various studies are required for discretionary projects:
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) generally requires state and local government agencies to inform decision makers and the public about the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects, and to reduce those environmental impacts to the extent feasible. If a project subject to CEQA will not cause any adverse environmental impacts, a public agency may adopt a brief document known as a Negative Declaration. If the project may cause adverse environmental impacts, the public agency must prepare a more detailed study called an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). An EIR contains in-depth studies of potential impacts, measures to reduce or avoid those impacts, and an analysis of alternatives to the project. A key feature of the CEQA process is the opportunity for the public to review and provide input on both Negative Declarations and EIRs.