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Pie chart of survey results showing 95% satisfactionSurvey Says!

At Permit Sonoma, we take customer satisfaction seriously...and it shows! Check out what our customers are saying about us (PDF).

Contact Us

We are committed to answering your inquiries.

Contact Us by Phone
Permit Sonoma Phone

(707) 565-1900

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Division and Section Phone Numbers

Find out which Division or Section within Permit Sonoma to contact.

Employee Directory

Use the Employee Directory list only if you have been assigned a specific employee as a contact. Otherwise, please call the main phone number at (707) 565-1900 or find out which Permit Sonoma Division to contact.

Contact Us by Email
Public Records Act Requests

The Public Records Act allows the public to inspect and request copies of qualifying public records prepared or retained by any public agency.


The Ombudsperson provides value-added customer service on individual projects and facilitates process improvements that result in a more user-friendly permitting process.

Permit Sonoma Webmaster

Email the Webmaster about issues/suggestions related to Permit Sonoma web pages or the Permits Online permitting tool.

Permit Sonoma Main Contact

If you are unsure whom to contact, submit your inquiry here, and your message will be directed.

Project Consultation

Permit Sonoma offers pre-application meetings that allow you to meet with staff from the divisions and agencies that may be involved before you start the permitting process. County staff will review your proposal with you, tell you what you need to submit with your application and answer any questions you may have about the process. Staff will also review Federal, State, and County regulations, requirements, plans, policies, and standards that might apply to your proposal.

More information about pre-applications or schedule a meeting:
Email the administrator

Give Us Your Feedback

Tell us about your recent in-person or virtual visit by filling out our online comment card (available in English or Spanish).

What We Do

Permit Sonoma, also known as the Permit and Resource Management Department (PRMD), is Sonoma County's consolidated land use planning and development permitting agency. Virtually any land development or construction in the unincorporated area of Sonoma County (outside the city limits of the nine cities) is reviewed, permitted, and inspected by Permit Sonoma.

The department was created as part of a countywide reorganization in 1995 by bringing staff from five separate departments together under one roof and with one joint mission. On January 1, 2019, the Fire Prevention and Hazardous Materials division joined Permit Sonoma.

Our department is organized into various Divisions, which are organized into multiple Sections, all working together to meet the goals of Permit Sonoma's mission.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve the people of Sonoma County by providing a customer-focused process for the orderly development of real property, balanced with resource stewardship under the general policy direction of the Board of Supervisors, and to develop and maintain standards that protect the health and safety of the public.

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart