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Latest News, Videos, Newsletters, and Press Releases from Permit Sonoma
Featured Videos – Rebuilding Documentary Series
The County of Sonoma is following the rebuilding journey of Bill Collins and Vicky McKay, a couple who lived in Hidden Hills (off Riebli Road) in Sonoma County and lost their home in the Tubbs Fire in October of 2017.
This documentary series of short videos, posted on YouTube, captures their experiences, highlighting information that is relevant to our broader community as we move forward with recovery and rebuilding. Some examples of topics that will be covered in this video series include navigating the permitting process and many of the design considerations such as green building options, accessory dwelling units, and new building technologies.
Sonoma County suspends issuing well permits after court order
Permit Sonoma has suspended issuing non-emergency well permits in compliance with a Sonoma County Superior Court order. The order, which was served to the County on Dec. 17, stems from the lawsuit Russian Riverkeeper and California Coastkeeper vs. County of Sonoma. It requires the County to “suspend all non-emergency water well permitting” based on concerns that the County has not complied with the Public Trust Doctrine.