Application Submittal Requirements Listed by Project Type
To assist the community with complete applications, the following is a listing of application submittal requirements organized by project or permit type. Complete applications assists Permit Sonoma with more timely reviews, getting permits issued faster and getting your project approved or under construction sooner.
Required Plan Submittal for the following permit types:
Building Plan Review Permits
Below is a checklist of submittal requirements specifically for housing projects to include accessory dwelling units (ADUs), Duplex, Multifamily, Mixed Use and Townhomes.
Note: Some building permit applications may not require some items in this checklist. Check with Permit Sonoma staff for further clarifications.
View List of Building Permit Requirements
Version: 11/27/2023
Summary of Application Submittal
- A cover sheet - sheet index (plan set shall include all sheets as listed compiled into a single file) applicable codes, and itemized description of scope of work,
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard site Plan Requirements
- Building Plans Stamped and Signed by Designer
- Energy Code Documentation
- CALGreen Checklist
- Engineering Calculations
- Geotechnical Report and plan review letter
- Truss Calculations and Layout with engineer of record’s review and approval
Conditional Requirements
- Conditions of Approval (projects with Planning approval)
- Special Inspections (projects requiring specialized inspections)
- Flood Zone Requirements (projects in a flood plain)
- Creek Setback (projects near a creek or river)
- Grading Plans/Grading Permit (projects that include earthwork)
- Accessibility (Multi-family and Mixed Use projects only)
- Applications to legalize a violation shall identify the applicable violation number and have a concealed construction plan included in the submittal documents.
Comprehensive List of Required Plan Sheets for Building Permits
Cover Sheet
- Identify and itemize the full extent of the proposed scope of work under the associated Building permit application.
- Identify all associated work being done under separate permits on the subject parcel.
- Identify any associated permits proposed to be deferred during construction.
- A sheet index shall be provided, listing all sheets that are included in the plan set.
- Identify the square footages and occupancy group classification(s) and type(s) of construction of all existing, new, and altered building areas. Shall list all applicable codes.
- Identify and provide contact information of the responsible design professional(s) and all proposed consultants.
- Provide other relevant information necessary for a full review to be conducted, e.g. if the existing or proposed structure currently contains a fire sprinkler system, the fire hazard severity category of the parcel, relevant flood zone information, etc.
Site Plan
- Must comply with Minimum Standard Site Plan, see CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements, depicting such things as property lines, north arrow, all existing and proposed buildings or structures, setbacks to property lines and creeks, driveways, lot dimensions, drainage features, contour lines, septic system and all associated components and expansion areas, well, existing and proposed underground utilities, fire safe standards requirements, etc.
Floor Plan
- Show dimensions, use of each room, windows, doors, plumbing fixtures, electrical and mechanical features, including locations of electrical panels, furnaces, water heaters, and Title 24 lighting requirements.
- Multiple floor plans shall be provided for rooms or areas proposed to have multiple uses.
- Projects requiring accessible features shall identify and dimension accessible clearances and dimensions at all doors and other accessible elements.
- Non-residential portions of projects shall include justification of all applicable egress requirements of CBC Chapter 10.
Foundation Plan
- Show dimensions, type of foundation, details of all footings (interior and exterior), porches, patios, garage slabs, straps, hold-downs, anchor bolts, retaining walls, stepped footing details, sub-grade preparation, adjacent slopes, and crawl space access and ventilation.
- Exterior views from each side (minimum of 4 sides) showing and identifying all exterior building materials, windows, doors, roof pitch, dimensions of existing and proposed height above adjacent grade of all existing and proposed building elements, venting of roof insulation, and setbacks to all slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal:vertical).
Framing Plan
- Show all floors, ceilings, roofs, stairs, walls, decks and porches. Identify the size and spacing of all framing members, locate all hold-downs, connections and cross reference all applicable details.
- Identify and dimension all proposed shear walls, and other elements of the lateral force resisting system. Dimension heights of floors, ceilings, and roofs from grade.
Cross Sections
- Provide a minimum one cross section in each direction through entire building from bottom of footing to top of roof structure.
- Identify all structural members and insulation requirements.
- Provide other sections as required for complex structures and special framing details.
- Venting of underfloor and roof-ceiling insulation
Structural Details
- Provide structural details of all foundation, floor, wall, and roof construction.
- Provide connections, support of beams, diaphragm and shear wall construction, transfer of lateral forces (wind and seismic), foundation dimensions and reinforcement, and required subsurface drainage at foundations and retaining walls.
- Include adequate details to identify and demonstrate the transfer of forces (both lateral and vertical) at all connections from the roof diaphragm to the foundation-soil interface.
Signed Drawings
- Plans must be signed by the responsible designer. All sheets must be sealed, signed, and dated by a licensed design professional (California licensed engineer or architect), where required by the California Business and Professions Code.
Title 24 Energy Code Documentation
- All new construction, additions, and alterations that affect insulation, the space conditioning system, or amount of fenestration in a structure require associated California Energy code documentation to be uploaded with the application and included in the plan set.
- The energy documentation shall be prepared by a certified consultant and registered (when required) with an appropriate California Energy Commission approved agency.
CALGreen Checklist
- All new structures, residential additions or alterations that increase conditioned volume, and nonresidential additions and alterations exceeding $200,000 in permit valuation shall upload an applicable CALGreen checklist, prepared by the responsible designer.
- The checklist and associated plan set shall be reviewed and verified by a Sonoma County approved CALGreen consultant, CNI-041 CALGreen Special Inspection Agency Recognition List, to meet the minimum CALGreen requirements and incorporate all requirements into the associated plan set and supporting documents.
Engineering Calculations
- All proposed structural elements, methods of construction, and connections shall be adequately justified with structural calculations demonstrating the demand on and capacity of all structural elements and connections. Exception: Specific prescriptive requirements for framing member span and loading, connections, or lateral bracing that may be adhered to without justifying structural calculations.
- All structural members and connections shall be designed and justified to resist the most intensive loading the elements is anticipated to experience during the proposed design life.
- All failure mechanisms shall be adequately justified in the engineering calculations, and this document shall be sealed, signed, and dated as required by the Professional Engineers Act and the Architects Practice Act Geotechnical Report.
- A geotechnical report, prepared in accordance with Chapter 18 of the California Building Code, shall be uploaded for all projects with new or altered foundation elements unless specifically exempted by the building official due to knowledge of adequate subsurface material at the proposed foundation area.
- A virtual site review will be conducted to ascertain mapped soil conditions in the proposed foundation area(s) when a geotechnical report is not included with the original submittal documents.
- A plan review letter from the geotechnical engineer, verifying that all geotechnical recommendations have been adhered to in the project plans, details, and specifications, and onsite inspections of foundations excavations, fill placement and compaction, and installation of adequate subsurface drainage provisions may also be required by the geotechnical engineer of record.
Geotechnical Report
- A geotechnical investigation and report, in accordance with CBC Chapter 18, shall be uploaded all new commercial structures, or if indicated in structural calculations, building plans, subdivision development plans or by site evaluation. A plan review letter from the geotechnical engineer, verifying that all geotechnical recommendations have been adhered to, may also be required.
Truss Calculations and Layout
- When engineered trusses are used, the truss design and calculations shall be reviewed and approved by the design professional in responsible charge for compliance with the overall design.
- The truss designs are typically deferred to be submitted after plan check approval, as a deferred submittal, and this is required to occur prior to underfloor inspections taking place on an issued permit.
Conditional Requirements
Conditions of Approval
- Post entitlement projects and other applications where the proposed use requires a permit from the Planning Division, typically the conditions of approval are required to be included as part of the project plans.
- All plans with employee work areas or access by the public are required to identify and detail accessible dimensions, clearances, and elevations at applicable building areas and elements.
- All housing accessible elements shall be identified and shown on the plans. Clear tables and number of required units shall be clearly shown.
- Provide but not limited to, accessible parking and loading zones, signage, accessible doors and maneuvering clearances, changes in level, connection to the public way, toilet rooms, drinking fountains and bottle filling stations, and separation from the vehicular way of the accessible route. Plans shall adequately detail existing accessible path(s) of travel and accessible serving proposed area(s) of alteration.
- When an existing building area is altered, upgrades must be undertaken to the path of travel serving the area of alteration until fully compliant. The extent of these accessible upgrades, if not providing full compliance, shall be justified on an Unreasonable Hardship Application, completed by the design professional and included with the application. Other items which may be required:
Special Inspections
- When special inspection is required by Chapter 17 of the California Building Code, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit.
- The Statement of Special Inspections shall identify all required testing and observations by third party inspection agencies, identify the Sonoma County approved third party agencies who will be performing these inspections, and confirm the responsible contractor is aware of the requirements of the Statement of Special Inspections.
Flood Zone Requirements
- An elevation certificate prepared by a licensed surveyor is required if project is located within a special flood hazard area.
- Plans in applicable flood zones shall identify and detail flood resistant construction, as required.
- Applications for alterations to non-elevated nor flood protected structures within a flood zone shall include an applicable valuation summary, CNI-003 Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage Valuation Summary for FEMA Compliance form (PDF), demonstrating FEMA compliance.
Creek Setback
- Creek setbacks are required when projects are adjacent to different types of waterways, including designated streams, streamside conservation areas, lakes, ponds reservoirs, and wetlands.
- Minimum setback distances from the top of the bank are typically two and half times the depth of the creek plus an additional thirty feet. See DRN-005 Waterway Setback Requirements for specific technical information and guidance.
Grading Plans/Grading Permit
- Required if project meets the criteria established by the current California Building Code.
- If Grading plans and details are included in the proposed Building Permit set, these shall be identified as “For Reference Only”, as they will be reviewed and approved under the separate Grading Permit application.
- All Building Permit applications which include any ground disturbance shall upload a completed GRD-002 Grading Permit Questionnaire (PDF) prior to acceptance and routing.
Engineering & Water Resources Permits
All Engineering & Water Resources permit and service types require the following:
- A complete application
- Associated filing fee by permit type
- The additional minimum submittal requirements for each permit type listed below:
View List of Engineering Permit and Service Types and Their Requirements
Version: 11/27/2023
Listed below:
- Grading and Storm Water Permit and Service Types
- Encroachment and Right-of-Way Permits (Work and activities on public county roads)
- Sewer and Water System Permits and Service Types
Grading Permit (GRD)
- Grading plans per GRD-004 Grading Permit Required Application Contents
- Drainage report per DRN-006 Drainage Report Required Contents
- GRD-005 Grading Permit Supplemental Information form (PDF)
Storm Water Permit (STW)
- Drainage plans per GRD-004 Grading Permit Required Application Contents
- Drainage report per DRN-006 Drainage Report Required Contents
- GRD-005 Grading Permit Supplemental Information form (PDF)
Roiling Permit (ROI)
All documents need to be submitted as PDFs.
- DRN-003 Roiling Permit Application (PDF) completed and signed
- Detailed project description
- Location map and detail maps
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife signed authorization
- North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board signed authorization
- Army Corps of Engineers authorization
- Conditionally Required Items:
- Grading permit; conditional based on scope of work and sponsor
- Conditionally required items needed for Roiling Permit prior to issuance:
- Zoning permit (project within a riparian corridor or biotic resource zone)
- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) authorization or exemption (public projects only)
- A minimum of eight weeks prior to the beginning of work is required for submission, due to the requirements of the Board of Supervisors approval process
Engineering Site Review (ESR)
- A proposal statement describing project or request
- A site plan showing the location of proposed project or work
Encroachment (ENC)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements.
- Conditionally Required Items:
- Traffic control plan
- Sight Distance Exhibit (exceedances of vertical and/or horizontal curves)
- Maintenance Indemnification Agreement (MIA) (solid objects proposed in the County right-of-way)
- Structural Calculations (solid object in the right-of-way retains a surcharge)
- Drainage Report (variance to culvert sizing standards)
- Surety bond (cash or credit card deposit)
- Deferred initial submittals (needed for all ENC permits prior to issuance):
- Contractor name, contact information, and license
- Contractor insurance as required within Form ENC-002 Insurance Requirements for Encroachment Permits
Improvement Plans (IMP)
- Contact Acknowledgment form signed by the owner
- PJR-011 Indemnification Agreement (PDF) signed by owner
- ENG-005 Engineering Division Services At Cost Fee Agreement (PDF) signed by owner
- Improvement Plans
- Drainage Report per DRN-006 Drainage Report Required Contents
- Supplemental reports required by conditions of approval
- Copy of the final Conditions of Approval
- Parcel Map, if applicable
Special Event
- ENC-004 Application for Special Events Encroachment Permit form (PDF)
- Special Event Application – Fire Prevention Division
- Sample of event participant’s waiver form, from the event organizer
- Overall map, for each individual route
- Turn by turn, for each individual route
- List of addresses for stop locations (see conditionally required items)
- List of road or intersection closures (see conditionally required items)
- Short write up of the event plan, things to include:
- Health and safety plan
- Number of volunteers
- Number of participants per event route
- Route cut off times and locations
- Public outreach plan
- Clean Up Plan
- Example of signs posted along route
- Conditionally Required Items:
- Tent Permit Application (if applicable) – submitted to Fire Prevention Division
- List of locations where flaggers or volunteers will be located within the right-of-way.
- Traffic control plan (when traffic is stopped for event participants at intersections or if there is entire road closure, include subsequent detour routes)
- Changeable message board locations and message board wording
- Traffic Control Company name and general liability insurance, naming County of Sonoma as certificate holder, if separate company being used.
- Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) approval or copy of SMART permit
- Zoning or Planning permit for stops/events on private property.
- Deferred Initial Submittals (needed prior to SPE permit issuance):
- ENC-005 Insurance Requirements for Special Events Permits naming the County of Sonoma as certificate holder
- Incident Command Communication Chart or event organizer’s emergency contacts list
- Letter of support or copy of contract from California Highway Patrol
- Copy of Emergency Medical Services contract
- Example of signs posted along route
- Additional permit may be necessary such as a Zoning or Planning permit for stops/events on private property
Transportation Permit (TRN)
- A completed ENC-003 Transportation Permit Application form (PDF)
Sewer Construction (SEW)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- Include sewer line diagram for repairs
- Sewer plans
- Pump calculations by civil engineer (if a pump is proposed)
- Technical data sheets for the proposed pump
Sewer Fee Only (connection and annual service fee)
Can happen two different ways: 1) all County of Sonoma jurisdiction or 2) city (of Sonoma) building permit with County sewer.
A “fee only” permit includes connection/impact fees, annual service fees, or both.
- Corresponding sewer construction permit number(s).
- A signed Wastewater Discharge Survey with a plumbing plan showing all fixtures (commercial/industrial projects only).
Annexation or Outside Service Area Agreement
- Completed SAN-005 Application for Outside Area Sewer form (PDF) for each parcel to which sewer service is proposed. Applies to both Annexations and Outside Service Area Agreements (OSAAs).
- Completed PJR-126 Supplemental Application Information (PDF) for each parcel.
- Completed Authorization to Access Confidential Files (Form SCAO 096 06-2021).
- Copy of the current property deed of subject parcel(s)
- Authorized Agent form if applicable.
- For multiple parcel annexations a single representative will act on the behalf of the owners. Each owner must supply a notarized statement providing authorization for the designated representative to act on their behalf for the Annexation/Outside Service Area Agreement process. (An authorization letter template is available from Permit Sonoma Engineering Division Sanitation Staff.)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements (one site plan for entire project area).
- A preliminary sewer construction plan (if a sewer main extension is needed for service).
Water System Permit (WAT)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- Water system plans designed by a civil engineer
Sewer Pipe Bursting Auto Issue
(Application via Permits Online). We are reviewing options to make pipe bursting sewer construction permits an auto-issue sewer permit, although it will likely become an express issue permit initially. The current requirements for application are:
- Completed SAN-022 Sonoma Water - Requirements and Specifications for Side Sewer Pipe Bursting Applications (PDF)**
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
**Notes: Form SAN-022 is planned to be integrated into the application process of the specific permit application, thereby eliminating the requirement for a completed SAN-022. Currently the SAN-022 form is not available on Permits Online, although the application for this permit is a standard construction sewer permit online application. In the future, the application process will allow specification of pipe bursting and trigger specific questions/options in the online application process.
Planning Permits for Housing
Below is a checklist of submittal requirements specifically for housing projects. Multifamily residential development is typically subject to Design Review and in some cases where conditionally allowed a Use Permit may be required for initial entitlement. Single family residential development may be subject to Administrative Design Review.
Note: Appropriate processing pathways and anticipated Environmental Review should be confirmed with Permit Sonoma Staff prior to beginning an application. Some Planning applications may not require some items in this checklist. Check with Permit Sonoma staff for further clarifications.
Additional information and streamlining opportunities for housing under Senate Bill 9
View List of Planning Permit Types and Their Requirements
Version: 12/20/2023
All Planning permit types require the following:
- A complete PJR-001 Planning Application (PDF)
- Detailed Proposal Statement which identifies existing and proposed uses
- PJR-011 Indemnification Agreement (PDF)
- Associated filing fee
- For all properties under a Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act) A Landowners Statement of Compliance, PJR-049, is required for all permit applications
- A site plan is required for all Planning Permits, the accepted site plan must meet the standards of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications (*exception), unless otherwise noted in the submittal requirements. In any case where easement information is required and not verifiable from the site plan alone a Tittle Report may also be required by the Director.
- The additional minimum submittal requirements for each permit or service type listed below:
Environmental Review
In addition to materials required for all planning permit types any project identified as possibly requiring level I or higher environmental review may require the following documents prepared in compliance with Permit Sonoma guidelines:
- Cultural Resource Report
- Biotic Study or Assessment
- Traffic Study
- Noise Study
- Groundwater/Hydrogeologic Study
- Air Quality Study
- Odor Report
- Greenhouse Gas Analysis
- Other Studies as required by the Director
Administrative Design Review: Residential (PJR-056)
See PJR-056 Administrative Design Review Residential
Minimum submittal requirements in addition to all permit type submittal requirements:
- A site plan meeting all standards of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications (*exception)
- Floor Plan
- Elevations
- Preliminary Landscaping Plans
- Preliminary Lighting Plan
- Colors and Materials
- Site photos
- Preliminary architectural plans for new structures must be accompanied by visual simulations or a proposal for story pole for confirmation or determination of exemption by the Project Planner
Design Review for Housing Developments
See PJR-128 Housing Development Application Requirements
Minimum submittal requirements in addition to all permit type submittal requirements and required submittal for Environmental Review, if required:
- A site plan meeting all standards of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications, in any case where information cannot be verified by the site plan alone a current tittle report may be required.
- Housing Proposal
- Constraints Analysis
- PJR-095 At-Cost Project Reimbursement Agreement (PDF)
- Floor Plan
- Elevations
- Circulation Plan
- Preliminary Landscaping Plans
- Preliminary Lighting Plan
- Color and Materials
- Site photos
- Preliminary Site Grading, Storm Water Management and Drainage Plan
- Preliminary architectural plans for new structures must be accompanied by visual simulations or a proposal for story pole for confirmation or determination of exemption by the Project Planner
Use Permit Requirements: Minor
Minimum submittal requirements in addition to all permit type submittal requirements and Environmental Review, if required:
- A site plan meeting all standards of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications (*exception), in any case where information cannot be verified by the site plan alone a current tittle report may be required.
- PJR-095 At-Cost Project Reimbursement Agreement (PDF)
- Use Permit Supplemental Application PJR-126
- Circulation Plan
- Floor Plans
- Elevations
- Site photos
- Preliminary Landscaping Plans
Use Permit Requirements: Live Work
Minimum submittal requirements in addition to all permit type submittal requirements, Minor Use Permit Submittal requirements and items required for Environmental Review, if required:
- Live Work Affidavit
- A site plan meeting all standards of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications (*exception), in any case where information cannot be verified by the site plan alone a current tittle report may be required.
Use Permit Requirements
Minimum submittal requirements in addition to all permit type submittal requirements and required submittal for Environmental Review:
- A site plan meeting all standards of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications (*exception), in any case where information cannot be verified by the site plan alone a current tittle report may be required.
- Housing Proposal
- Circulation Plan
- Constraints Analysis
- PJR-095 At-Cost Project Reimbursement Agreement (PDF)
- Floor Plan
- Elevations
- Trip Generation Details
- Preliminary Landscaping Plan
- Preliminary Lighting Plan
- Color and Materials
- Site photos
- Preliminary Site Grading, Storm Water Management and Drainage Plan
Use Permit Submittal Requirements: Mixed Use
Minimum submittal requirements in addition to all permit type submittal requirements, Use Permit Submittal Requirements, and items required for Environmental Review:
- Floor Area Ratios
Minimum submittal requirements in addition to all permit type submittal requirements and required submittal for Environmental Review:
- A site plan meeting all standards of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications (*exception), in any case where information cannot be verified by the site plan alone a current tittle report may be required.
- Circulation and Parking Plan
- PJR-095 At-Cost Project Reimbursement Agreement (PDF)
- Floor Plan
- Elevations
- Site photos
- Preliminary Site Grading, Storm Water Management and Drainage Plan
Zoning Permit Covered Parking Waiver
Minimum Submittal Requirements in addition to all permit type and Zoning Permit General submittal requirements:
- A site plan drawn to scale, clearly labeled with a north arrow, showing setbacks, structures, and site constraints including trees to be removed/protected, and zoning combining districts.
- Site photos
*Exception = In some cases where proposed physical development is limited a site plan drawn to scale, clearly labeled with a north arrow, showing setbacks, structures, and site constraints including trees to be removed and zoning combining districts may be accepted by the Director.
Survey Maps and Services
All Survey maps and services require the following:
- A complete application
- Associated filing fee by permit type
- The additional minimum submittal requirements for each permit or service type listed below:
View List of Survey Maps and Service Types and Their Requirements
Version: 11/27/2023
Administrative Certificate of Compliance (ACC)
(See PJR-019 Administrative Certificate of Compliance)
- Application form signed by all legal owners
- At Cost Agreement
- Indemnification Agreement
- Proposal Statement
- Supporting Data
- A current deed and title report
- A current Assessor's parcel map (highlight the subject property)
- A site plan drawn to scale (See PJR-019 Administrative Certificate of Compliance for requirements)
- A map that shows all surrounding properties with property owner’s names indicated for each parcel
- A chain of title guarantee (See PJR-019 Administrative Certificate of Compliance for requirements)
- A copy of each document listed in the chain of title
- A map or set of maps depicting the configuration of the parcel at each transaction or adjustment listed in the chain of title. The map should show all the subject and surrounding properties and outline the boundaries described in each deed
- For each parcel for which certification is requested provide, either:
- A subdivision map reviewed by the County and recorded after 1893 which depicts the parcel (Note: Maps recorded after 1893 and prior to 1929 may or may not have created legal parcel. See PJR-019 Administrative Certificate of Compliance for more information), or;
- A deed recorded prior to March 1, 1967 in which the subject parcel was transferred and described separately
Note: A deed that enumerates several lots or parcels is not sufficient to establish the legal lot status of one parcel unless the other areas described are either easements or exceptions
- A current survey of the parcel or proof that the parcel has been previously surveyed (see PJR-019 Administrative Certificate of Compliance for acceptable proof of survey for Administrative Certificates of Compliance)
- On a separate page labeled as “Exhibit A,” a typed legal description, accurately describing each parcel to be certified
- On a separate 8.5 inches x 11 inches page labeled as “Exhibit B,” a separate plat for each parcel showing the subject parcel as described in “Exhibit A” (above) with record bearings and distances shown and exception parcels referenced thereon
Corner Record (COR)
- Corner Record form
- Data Sheet (Use current BPELSG form)
- Map Sheet (Use current BPELSG form)
- Reference Map and Documents
Record of Survey (ROS)
(See SUR-003 Record of Survey Submittal Requirements Checklist)
- Method & Reasoning Statement
- Closure Calculations
- Record of Survey Map
- Maps and Deeds referenced on the Record of Survey Map
Right of Way Vacation (RWV)
- Petition for Vacation of Public Easement/Public Right of Way
- At Cost Agreement
- Indemnification Agreement
- Project Description
- Map or deed by which right of way was offered and accepted.
- Current deed of adjoining owner(s)
- Legal Description (Exhibit A) of the portion of the right of way being vacated
- Plat of Legal Description (Exhibit B)
- Closure Calculations (if metes and bounds description)
- Assessor’s Parcel Map
- Vicinity Map
- Site Map
Parcel/Final Map (SUR)
(See SUR-001 Parcel/Final Map Submittal Requirements Checklist )
- At Cost Agreement
- Indemnification Agreement
- Copy of Approved Tentative Map
- Copy of Final Conditions of Approval
- Current Title Report (dated within the last 60 days)
- Draft Copy of Parcel or Final Map
- References (e.g., Deeds, Record Maps, Unrecorded Surveys)
- Method and Reasoning Statement (for Exterior Boundary)
- Closure Calculations
- Exterior Boundary of Subdivision
- Each Parcel or Lot
- Dedications and Easements
Well & Septic Permits
All Well & Septic permit and service types require the following:
- A complete application
- Associated filing fee by permit type
- The additional minimum submittal requirements for each permit or service type listed below:
View List of Well & Septic Permit and Service Types and Their Requirements
Version: 11/27/2023
Listed below:
Septic Permit and Service Types
Septic Construction Permit (SEP)
- An Onsite Waste Water Treatment Systems (OWTS) Site Plan per WLS-008 Septic System Application Requirements
- An OWTS Design Report per WLS-008 Septic System Application Requirements
- Variance request, if applicable.
- Operational Permit (OPR) Acknowledgement form (only needed for OWTS utilizing supplemental)
Septic Repair or Tank Only Permit (SEP)
- An Onsite Waste Water Treatment Systems (OWTS) Site Plan per WLS-008 Septic System Application Requirements
Septic Design Application (SDA)
- An Onsite Waste Water Treatment Systems (OWTS) Site Plan per WLS-008 Septic System Application Requirements
- An OWTS Design Report per WLS-008 Septic System Application Requirements
- Variance request, if applicable.
Vesting Certificates (VES)
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A set of approved Septic Construction Permit site plans or as-builts plans.
Formal Variances (WVB)
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- Variance justification in accordance with Section 17 Variance Requirements.
Administrative Variances (WVA)
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- WLS-026 Request for Administrative Variance of County Septic Regulations (PDF)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- Variance Justification in accordance with Section 17 Variance Requirement
Operational Permit (OPR) Application
- WLS-009 Operational Permit (OPR) Application Form (PDF)
- OPR site plan in accordance with WLS-047 Operational Permit (OPR) Application Required Contents
- Signed and notarized Operational Permit (OPR) Easement Form (PDF)
Gray Water System (GYW)
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- Gray water construction plans
Septic Site Evaluations
Soil Profile Evaluations
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- A site plan showing proposed or approximate location of testing
- A vicinity map showing property, access points and any applicable gate codes
Percolation Testing
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- A site plan showing proposed or approximate location of testing
- A vicinity map showing property, access points and any applicable gate codes
Groundwater Table Determinations
Applications must be submitted no later than 12:00 PM noon the business day prior to the proposed observation date.
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A site plan per Groundwater Table Determinations Requirements
Findings Reports
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- A site plan showing proposed or approximate location of testing
- Required items for Type 1, 2, or 3 Findings Report listed in OWTS Manual Section 6.9.A and 6.9.B.1 – 11.
Well Permit and Service Types
Water Well Permits (WEL)
Note: If the property is located within an incorporated city, permit application must be done via email. All provisions below apply to online and email permit applications.
- Minimum site plan in accordance with CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements, Water Well Construction Standards 25B-5(c)(1) through (3) and uses and/or Facilities noted in tables 25B-2, 3, 4 and 5. Site plan shall include GPS coordinates, clearly and accurately show and label the proposed well sites, 1 primary and up to four (4) alternate well sites or test holes. The site plan is to include any existing well locations
- Disclosure information regarding existing wells, in accordance with 25B-5(c) Disclosure of Existing Water Wells.
- A vicinity map showing property, access points and any applicable gate codes
- Level 1 Conservation Completion Form (not required for water well destructs).
- Level 2 Conservation Completion Form for water use greater than 2-acre feet per year (not required for water well destructs).
- Documentation for out of water emergency per SCMC Section 25B-5 (d), if applicable.
Well Study/Yield (Dry Weather Well Testing)
- A completed WLS-006 Request for Well and Septic Service form (PDF)
- A site plan per CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements
- A site plan showing all water wells to be tested.
- A vicinity map showing property, access points and any applicable gate codes