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Permit Number Format Information

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Below is a table listing all the permit/activity types and their numbering formats used by Permit Sonoma past and present. It is intended as a historical listing to assist in research of initialized permits, particularly permits and activities listed for properties in the Permit History Search.

Permit Sonoma processes many types of applications and permits. As of July 1, 1999, the first three characters of the file number indicate Permit Type. A variety of numbering formats were used on historical files which can be found in the Permit Sonoma permitting system.

On this page:

Permit Number Formats Explained

Current Permit Number Format: LLLxx-xxxx

An alphanumeric value. The three letter permit type code, then the last two digits of the calendar year the file was created, a hyphen, followed by an ascending numeric value. Used for all files created on and after July 1, 1999.

Example: BLD08-0010
This is a Building permit, created in the calendar year 2008, and is the 10th file of its type for that year.

Disused Permit Number Format: xxxxxx-L or L-xxxxxx

A 6 digit numeric value followed by a single letter permit type code or a single letter permit type code followed by a 6 digit numeric value. They are most often associated with a historical files that predate July 1, 1999. Many historical files were created in systems which did not accommodate current numbering.

Permit Numbers Table

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Number Format Permit Type Description Currently Used Department/ Division
xxxxxx-B Historical - Building, Grading and/or Violation File created in a legacy computer system prior to July 1, 1995. These files can represent a building permit, grading permit and/or allegations of code violation. No  
xxxxxx-M Historical - Building, Grading and/or Violation File created in a legacy computer system prior to July 1, 1995. These files can represent a building permit, grading permit and/or allegations of code violation. No  
xxxxxx-S Historical - Building, Grading and/or Violation File created in a legacy computer system prior to July 1, 1995. These files can represent a building permit, grading permit and/or allegations of code violation. No  
xxxxxx-G Historical - Building, Grading and/or Violation File created in a legacy computer system prior to July 1, 1995. These files can represent a building permit, grading permit and/or allegations of code violation. No  
xx-xxxxx Historical - Building, Grading and/or Violation File created in a legacy computer system prior to July 1, 1995. These files can represent a building permit, grading permit and/or allegations of code violation. No  
A-xxxxxx Historical - Building Permit Created prior to 1974. No Building
ACCxx-xxxx Certificate of Compliance - Administrative Administrative Certificates of Compliance (ACC) are issued by the County to properties that have been proven to be separate legal parcels. The ACC only gives the owner the right to sell, lease or finance the parcel separately from other contiguous parcels held by the same owner. Yes Engineering
ACOxx-xxxx Erosion Control Tracks Vineyard/Orchard planting/replanting applications processed by the Sonoma County Agricultural Commissioner. Yes Agricultural Commissioner
ADAxx-xxxx Administrative Appeal of Zoning Interpretation Tracks an appeal of any decision or determination made by planning staff. No Planning
ADDxx-xxxx Addressing Address or road name assignment. Yes Customer Service
ADRxx-xxxx Design Review - Administrative Administrative Design Review for proposed structures in designated scenic areas and new uses to minimize their visual impacts. Yes Planning
AEXxx-xxxx Agricultural Exemption Building permit exemption for a structure designated for agricultural uses only. Created on or after July 5, 1995. Yes Building
AFMxx-xxxx Agricultural Frost Management Tracks Agricultural Frost Management applications processed by the Sonoma County Agricultural Commissioner. Yes Agricultural Commissioner
AGPxx-xxxx Agricultural Preserve (Williamson Act) County and owners of agricultural and open space land voluntarily enter into agreements that restrict the owner’s use of the land to agriculture. Establishes and tracks Williamson Act Contracts. These contracts legally restrict the use of the land to an agricultural use for a minimum of 10 years. Yes Planning
ANNEX-xxxx Historical Annexation Tracks the annexation of a parcel into the jurisdiction of an incorporated city. No  
ANXxx-xxxx Annexation Tracks the annexation of a parcel into the jurisdiction of an incorporated city. Yes  
B-xxxxxx Historical - Building, Grading or Demolition Permit Created prior to July 1, 1999. No Building
BLDxx-xxxx Building Permit A building permit is an official approval to proceed with a construction project. Unless otherwise exempt, a building permit is required to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by the building code, or to cause any such work to be performed. Created on or after July 1, 1999. Yes Building
BLDxx-xxxx Solar Photovoltaic Residential Rooftop Residential rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) projects 10 kW in size or smaller. Yes Building
BLDxx-xxxx Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

Solar photovoltaic (PV) projects:

  • Residential ground mounted
  • Commercial rooftop
  • Commercial ground mounted
Yes Building
BLDxx-xxxx Solar Thermal Systems

Solar thermal projects:

  • Residential rooftop
  • Residential ground mounted
  • Commercial rooftop
  • Commercial ground mounted
Yes Building
BSRxx-xxxx Site Evaluation Building Site Evaluations include:
  • Accessibility Site Review
  • Building Construction site review
  • Fire damaged structures (Property Reports)
Yes Building or Septic
CCCxx-xxxx Certificate of Compliance - Conditional Allows a person to apply for a determination as to whether a division of land complied with State and Local laws in effect at the time of the division. Yes Planning
CMOxx-xxxx Certificate of Modification Modifications can be made to recorded a parcel map (Minor Subdivision) or a final map (Major Subdivision) through the Certificate of Modification procedure. Typical modifications to recorded maps include changes to agency notes upon the maps, relocation or removal of easements, and relocation or enlargement of building envelopes. Yes Planning
CORxx-xxxx Corner Record A corner record is a legal document filed with the County by a licensed land surveyor to document surveyed lines and monumentation. Is it a survey made to establish or reestablish a corner or other related survey control.
The COR number was created on January 1, 2023 to replace the SUR number for corner records.
Yes Engineering
CPHxx-xxxx Coastal Permit - With Hearing Coastal permits are required for development on parcels located within the Coastal Zone. Coastal permits are processed either administratively without a hearing, or with a public hearing, typically by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. Yes Planning
CPNxx-xxxx Coastal Permit - No Hearing Coastal permits are required for development on parcels located within the Coastal Zone. Coastal permits are processed either administratively without a hearing, or with a public hearing, typically by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. Yes Planning
D-xxxxxx Historical - Building Permit Exemption Building permit exemption created prior to July 5, 1995 for a structure designated for agricultural uses only. No Building
DEMxx-xxxx Demolition Permit A demolition permit is required to demolish a building or structure in whole or in part. Some demolition permits may be included within a building permit application, especially for portions of structures. Created on or after July 1, 1999. Yes Building
DRHxx-xxxx Design Review - With Hearing The Design Review Committee (DRC) reviews and approves the design of significant new development projects, such as new commercial development. Yes Planning
DRNxx-xxxx Drainage Permit A drainage permit is required prior to commencing any drainage improvement or related work, including preparatory site clearing and soil disturbance, except where exempted from permit requirements in Sonoma County Code section 11.06.010. Created on or after July 1, 2004. Yes Engineering
DUAxx-xxxx Planning - Dwelling Unit Allotment Tracks the number of single family dwellings in the Sebastopol and Sonoma Valley planning areas. No Planning
E-xxxxxx Historical - Electrical Permit Created prior to 1982. No Building
ENCxx-xxxx Encroachment Work within the County maintained road or right-of-way, such as upgrading or paving a driveway, installing utilities, drainage, landscaping and mailbox structures, requires an encroachment permit. Yes Engineering
ENPxx-xxxx Engineering Project Tracks multiple engineering permits or activities related to a project. Yes Engineering
ESRxx-xxxx Engineering Site Review Field or Office site evaluation related to Engineering permits or activities. Yes Engineering
EVTxx-xxxx Rapid Evaluation Safety Assessment Tracks information about a structure which has been affected by flood, wildfire, or other storm or natural disaster damage.
Created on or after January 18, 2017 to replace FLD.
Yes Building
FIRxx-xxxx Fire Construction Permit   Yes Fire Prevention
FSRxx-xxxx Fire Site Review Fire Site reviews are conducted before construction or a permit is applied and also used to apply for a exception to standards to a submitted project. Many times a applicant or property owner would like to have a discussion about future development and this is a way to reserve and start the process with requesting service from the Fire Marshal. Yes Fire Prevention
FLD-xxxxxx Rapid Evaluation Safety Assessment Tracks information about a structure which has been affected by a flood or other storm or natural disaster damage.
Created prior to January 18, 2017. Replaced by EVT.
No Building
GPAxx-xxxx General Plan - Amendment In order to amend a General Plan land use policy, designation or density on a parcel, an application must be made for a General Plan amendment. Yes Planning
GRDxx-xxxx Grading Grading is the removal or deposition of earth material by artificial means. Common examples of grading include, but are not limited to, construction of driveways, building pads, site improvements or reservoirs, and restoration/stabilization of hillsides, slopes or stream banks. Created on or after July 1, 1999. Yes Engineering
GYWxx-xxxx Non-Potable Systems - Gray Water Graywater is wastewater collected from showers, bathtubs, bathroom sinks, and clothes washing machines. Graywater does not include water from toilets, kitchen sinks, or dishwashers. Yes Well and Septic
I-xxxxxx Historical - Trailer or Mobile Home Permit Created prior to July 5, 1995. No Building
ICCxx-xxxx Historical - In-Channel Construction Permit Required when a waterway was disturbed by construction activity (in compliance with Ordinance 1108). No Engineering
IMPxx-xxxx Improvement Plans Improvement plans are needed as part of the review process for subdivisions or grading improvements. They are also needed for non-subdivision improvements in the right of way.
The IMP number was created on January 1, 2023 to replace the SUR number for improvement plans.
Yes Engineering
LCCxx-xxxx Land Conservation Contract - Establishment, Replacement, NonRenewal The California Land Conservation Act allows the County and owners of agricultural and open space land to voluntarily enter into agreements that restrict the owner’s use of the land to agricultural and/or open space uses and uses compatible with those agricultural and/or open space uses, in exchange for a reduction in property tax assessment. Yes Planning
LICxx-xxxx Vacation Rental License A Vacation Rental License is required to operate a vacation rental. A Vacation Rental License lasts for one year and an operator must apply to renew their license annually to continue to run a vacation rental.
The LIC number was created on June 15, 2023.
Yes Planning
LIDxx-xxxx Low Impact Development Permit to monitor and inspect post-construction storm water best management practices. Yes Engineering
LLAxx-xxxx Lot Line Adjustment A Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) is a realignment of boundary lines between two to four existing legal parcels (per Section 66412 of the Subdivision Map Act), where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel. This process is undertaken when the owner(s) of adjacent lots or parcels desire to change the shape, size, and/or location of the parcels. Yes Planning
MJSxx-xxxx Subdivision - Major A major subdivision is a division of land into five or more parcels. Major subdivisions are governed by the Subdivision Map Act, the Sonoma County Subdivision Ordinance, the Sonoma County Zoning Code and the Sonoma County General Plan. Yes Planning
MNSxx-xxxx Subdivision - Minor A minor subdivision is a division of land into four or fewer parcels. Minor subdivisions are governed by the Subdivision Map Act, the Sonoma County Subdivision Ordinance, the Sonoma County Zoning Code and the Sonoma County General Plan. Minor subdivision application are also known as tentative parcel maps. Yes Planning
MSCxx-xxxx Miscellaneous Sales / Fees Used for map sales, copy charges and minor requests when no other file type is applicable. No  
OPRxx-xxxx Operational Permit Permit required for operation of non-standard Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS). Yes Well and Septic
ORD-xxxx Ordinance - Board of Supervisors Tracks the map associated with a zoning district change approved by the Board of Supervisors. No Planning
ORDxx-xxxx Ordinance Determination and Appeals of Staff Decisions Ordinance - Board of Supervisors
Tracks the map associated with a zoning district change approved by the Board of Supervisors. Tracks requests for waiver of covered parking requirements and complex
determinations on legal non-conforming status of buildings or uses.
Yes Planning
P-xxxxxx Historical - Plumbing Permit Created prior to 1980. No Building
PLPxx-xxxx Planning - Concurrent Processing Project Tracks multiple planning files on the same parcel which are being processed. Yes Planning
PRExx-xxxx Pre-Application Meeting Tracks pre-application meetings. Yes  
PMRxx-xxxx Property Manager Certification A property manager who is certified by Permit Sonoma is required for all vacation rentals. Yes Planning
PXxxxxxx Historical - Building Plan Check Created prior to July 5, 1995. No Building
R/S xx-xxx Record of Survey Tracks the plan check of a Record of Survey created by a licensed land No Engineering
RNCxx-xxxx Address / Road Name Assignment Tracks an address change or road name assignment process. Yes  
ROIxx-xxxx Roiling Required when a natural waterway will be disturbed by construction activity. Yes Engineering
ROSxx-xxxx Record of Survey A Record of Survey is an official map that is reviewed by the surveyor. This map represents a survey made on the round and delineates deed described lines, or lines related to survey control. Yes Engineering
RWVxx-xxxx Right of Way Vacation A permit to request approval to vacate a portion of public right-of-way. Yes Engineering
S-xxxxxx Historical - Septic System Permit Created prior to July 5, 1995. No Well and Septic
SB-547-xxx Unreinforced Masonry Structure Tracks information about unreinforced masonry structure in accordance with Senate Bill 547. Yes Building
SEPxx-xxxx Septic In areas where public sewer is not available, homeowners must have septic systems installed on their property that will treat wastewater coming from their home. Tracks the plan check and construction of a septic system. This type of file can also refer to the evaluation of an existing septic system. Yes Well and Septic
SEVxx-xxxx Site Evaluation / Flood Zone Determination Used for a building or septic permit site evaluation or a flood zone. No Building or Septic
SEWxx-xxxx Sewer - Construction; Engineering, Sewer, Construction, Sewer A sanitary sewer inspection permit is required for any sewer work performed, including but not limited to, connection to a house, a commercial building, or apartments. The work must be inspected and approved before occupancy, and/or use of the sewer is allowed. Permits are also issued for construction of sewer facilities and annexation into sanitation Districts or Zones, or Outside Service Area Agreements for sewer service with sanitation Districts or Zones. Yes Engineering
SOIL-xxxxx Geotechnical/Soils Investigation California Building Code outlines specific instances of when a geotechnical/soils report is required based on soil conditions and construction methods. Yes Building
SPAxx-xxxx Specific Plan - Amendment In order to amend a specific plan's land use policy, designation or density on a parcel, an application must be made for a Specific Plan amendment. Yes Planning
SPExx-xxxx Special Event Special Events that are expected to cause road closures in unincorporated Sonoma County require an encroachment permit. Allows a public event to be held in a public right of way. Yes Engineering
SRWP-xxxxx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Project file used to track Geotechnical Exploration Wells No  
STKxx-xxxx Stock Plan Stock plan permit for swimming pools, water tanks, accessory structures. Yes Building
SURxx-xxxx Surveyor / Land Development Tracks various survey or land development activities such as subdivision maps and right-of-way vacations. Also includes improvement plans and corner records initialized before January 1, 2023. Yes Engineering
T-xxxxxx Historical - Temporary Utility/Occupancy Permit Created prior to July 1, 1999. No Building
TEMxx-xxxx Temporary Occupancy, Temporary Structures, Temporary Utilities

Occupancy: Occupancy of a permitted structure under construction prior to permit final.
Structures: A permit may be issued for temporary structures and temporary uses. Such permits are be limited as to time of service (less than 180 days unless an extension is granted for demonstrated cause).
Utilities: A temporary permit for utilities for a permitted structure prior to the permit final.
Created on or after July 1, 1999.

Yes Building
THRxx-xxxx Transient Rentals - Hosted Rental Hosted rentals are the rental of a single room or sleeping area within a single-family dwelling, where the property owner remains in residence. Created on or after September 1, 2017. Hosted rentals previous to September 1, 2017 are under the ZPE category. Yes Planning
TRNxx-xxxx Transportation A transportation permit is required anytime a vehicle and/or load exceeds the California Vehicle Code legal dimensions on roads in unincorporated Sonoma County. Yes Engineering
TVRxx-xxxx Transient Rentals - Vacation Rental Vacation rentals are the rental of a private residence for periods of 30 days or less. Created on or after September 1, 2017. Vacation rentals previous to September 1, 2017 are under the ZPE category. Yes Planning
UPCxx-xxxx Cannabis - Use Permit Permits for cannabis cultivation, dispensaries, distribution & transportation, manufacturing, nurseries, and testing labs. Created on or after September 1, 2017. Yes Planning
UPExx-xxxx Use Permit A Use Permit application is required for development projects that are typically more intensive than Permitted Uses. These also include Minor Live/Work and Small-Scale Agricultural Processing. Yes Planning
V-xxxxx Historical - Code Enforcement Violation / Complaint Tracks an allegation of a code violation. No Code Enforcement
VARxx-xxxx Variance A variance may be granted to provide relief from specific numerical standards in the zoning code such as setback requirements from property lines. Variances cannot be granted for relief from “use” provisions in the zoning code. If a proposed use is not permitted in a given zoning district, a variance cannot be granted to allow it. Yes Planning
VBUxx-xxxx Code Enforcement Violation - Building Tracks an allegation of building or housing code violation(s). Yes Code Enforcement
VESxx-xxxx Septic - Vesting Certificate A transferable certificate providing a right to construct a septic system for an approved site, designated system type, and stated capacity for a limited period of time. Yes Well and Septic
VGRxx-xxxx Code Enforcement Violation - Grading Tracks an allegation of grading code violation(s). Yes Code Enforcement
VMxx-xxxx Historic Voluntary Merger Tracks requests to eliminate property lines between parcels under the same ownership. No Planning
VMGxx-xxxx Voluntary Merger Requests to eliminate property lines between parcels under the same ownership Yes Planning
VPLxx-xxxx Code Enforcement Violation - Planning / Zoning Tracks an allegation of planning/zoning code violation(s). Yes Code Enforcement
VWSxx-xxxx Code Enforcement Violation - Well and/or Septic Tracks an allegation of a failed septic system or contaminated well. Yes Code Enforcement
WATxx-xxxx Water Permit Water System Permit
Tracks the plan check and/or construction inspections(s) of a water system that serves two or more parcels.
Yes Engineering
WELxx-xxxx Water Well Well permits are required to drill, abandon, or deepen wells and can only be issued to C-57 Well Drilling Contractors. Also for pump test permit. Yes Well and Septic
WP J-xx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WP L-xx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WP MB-xx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WB MC-xx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WP MNB-xxx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WP NB-xx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WP SB-xx Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WP SC-x Santa Rosa Wastewater Pipeline Tracks geotechnical borings related to the Geysers Pipeline project. No  
WSRxx-xxxx Well & Septic Site Review Field or Office site evaluation related to Well & Septic permits or activities. Yes Well and Septic
WVAxx-xxxx Septic Variance – Administrative Administrative variance from septic standards. Yes Well and Septic
WVBxx-xxxx Septic Variance – Formal Formal variance from septic standards. Yes Well and Septic
ZCExx-xxxx Zone Change - Amendment A Zone Change can be proposed to change from one zoning district to another, to change the zoning density on a property, to remove a combining district , or to amend the text of the Sonoma County Zoning Code. Yes Planning
ZPCxx-xxxx Cannabis - Zoning Permit Permits for cannabis cultivation. Created on or after September 1, 2017. Yes Planning
ZPExx-xxxx Zoning Permit

Planning permits such as zoning permits may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Zoning clearances are required for building permits issued for new buildings, structures, or additions to existing buildings or structures. There may be additional setback requirements for a building depending upon the location near a scenic roadway or waterway. Additional review, such as administrative design review, may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permits include but are not limited to the following:

Yes Planning

Glossary of Table Header Terms

Number Format
Past and current numbering formats for permits or records.
Permit Type
The type of permit, record, or activity.
An explanation of the Permit Type that describes the type of project for which a permit or record was/is created.
Currently Used
Denotes whether or not a numbering format is currently used on new permits and records. "No" is a historical record.
The Permit Sonoma division responsible for creating the permit or record type listed. The Agricultural Commissioner, which is a department separate from Permit Sonoma, also creates permit/record types.