Building Division
The Building Division inspects construction projects after the building permit has been issued. They review projects inside and out to make sure they are built according to the approved plans and building codes. The focus of this division is on protecting public health and safety.
Contact Information
Building Inspection
Inspection Scheduling, Cancellation, Time Estimates, and Results
- Email:
- Phone: (707) 565-1900, Option #3
- Inspection Scheduling
Building Plan Check
Reviews construction plans prior to issuance of a building permit to ensure the project will conform to the uniform construction codes (building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical) and sound engineering practices.
- Email:
- Phone: (707) 565-2095
- Fax: (707) 565-2210
- Building Plan Check Response Times
End of Extended COVID Permit Expiration Date
In order to support the difficulties the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the community, Permit Sonoma offered customers a two-year extension above and beyond the regular timelines for various ministerial applications and permits. The conditions attributing to the local emergency no longer exist and the Board of Supervisors rescinded the local emergency as of May 16, 2023. As such, the policy extending the expiration dates was sunsetted effective May 17, 2023.
This change does not affect permits that have already been extended. All applications received beginning May 17, 2023 are valid for one year, and the COVID-19 extension will not be applied.
On this page:
Sonoma County Wildfires

Rebuilding Together
The official information and resource site for rebuilding efforts related to major wildfires in unincorporated Sonoma County.
- Sonoma County Building Regulations
Chapter 7, Article II of Sonoma County's Municipal Code outlines building regulations for the unincorporated area of this county. This includes regulations for construction, maintenance, use and occupancy as required to provide the minimum standards to safeguard the life, limb and property and protect the public health, safety and general welfare. - California Building Code
Every three years, the State adopts new codes to establish uniform standards for the construction and maintenance of buildings. The California Building Standards Code is the basis for the design and construction of buildings in California.
- Building and Fire Code Updates - Effective January 1, 2023
Permit applications received on or after January 1, 2023 must meet the new codes. (Permit applications received before December 31, 2022 do not need to meet the new codes, and will instead be reviewed and permitted according to the 2019 codes.) - View Latest Technical Bulletins for the New Codes
- Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
Notice to Applicants for Commercial Building Permits
Under federal and state law, compliance with disability access laws is a serious and significant responsibility that applies to all California building owners and tenants with buildings open to the public.
Disability Access Requirements and Resources (PDF: 115 kB)
Building Permit
Most construction, from new construction to alternations and repairs, requires a building permit. There are two types of building permits:
Building with No Plan Check
For simpler projects that do not require building plans. (May still require a site plan.) -
Building with Plan Check
For projects that require building plans.
But in some cases, a building permit is not required:
No Building Permit Required
Simple projects that do not require a building permit. Building codes must still be followed and other permits might still apply (e.g. Well & Septic, Use, or Zoning).
More Information: When Is a Building Permit Not Required? – BPC-005
If a construction project is revised, for example by altering floor plans or adding additional square footage, the revisions must be reviewed and approved by Permit Sonoma prior to making those changes in the field.
Expedited Permitting Process
Certain projects receive expedited permit processing.
Post-Fire Rebuilding
- Environmental
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Under the Building Code, all construction or work that requires a building permit shall be subject to inspection and approval by the County Building Inspector.
- Inspections: Information on the Inspection process.
- Inspection Scheduling: Schedule and find out the results of your building inspections in one of 3 ways.
- Building Inspection Codes: Find the 3 digit codes needed to schedule inspections.
Building Division Fee Schedule
Fees associated with building permits including Building Inspection, Building Plan Check, and Fire Inspection.
Building Permit with Plan Check to Permit Issuance
View how long it took from application submission, to first review comments, to permit issuance during the previous month.
Lead Hazard Warnings on Pre-1978 Buildings
Permit Sonoma issues over-the-counter permits for work on existing pre-1978 buildings that may contain lead hazards. There are several resources about lead poisoning and prevention.
Instructions & Forms
- Building Inspection
- Building & Grading Plan Check
- CALGreen/Green Building
- Solar Residential Rooftop Systems
Policies and Procedures
USGS Geologic Hazards - Spectral Response Acceleration Maps
- USGS Geologic Hazards – Spectral Response Acceleration Anchor Bolts Map
- USGS Geologic Hazards – Spectral Response Acceleration Wall Bracing Map
The map represents the USGS contour intervals of spectral response acceleration and determines the required amount of wall bracing for structures within specified geographical areas within Sonoma County.
Green Building
- CALGreen/Green Building
California's green building standards code. View checklists and find certified inspectors. - EPA Certified Wood Stoves
- Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
- Wood Burning Handbook – California Air Resources Board
Construction Documents
- Technical Bulletins
Information from the Building Division to help you with your project covering accessibility, building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing.
September 16, 2024
Permit Sonoma announces new submittal requirements for building permits
Permit Sonoma is implementing new submittal requirements for building permits that will go into effect on October 1, 2024. The new process will no longer allow deferred submittals for trusses, photovoltaic systems, and fire sprinklers. These items must be submitted along with the customer's building permit application or prior to the issuance of the building permit.
April 20, 2023
Sonoma County Building & Fire Code Updates
December 10, 2019
Updates Coming to Sonoma County Building & Fire Codes
December 10, 2019