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Permit Services

Rebuilding After Declared Disaster

Official Rebuilding information for unincorporated Sonoma County after major wildfires


Permit Types

Find out about the permit and application requirements for your project, property use, or event.



Schedule an inspection for Building, Engineering & Water, Fire Prevention, and Well & Septic.


Permit Guidelines & Documents

Permit Instructions & Forms, Policies and Procedures, Building Technical Bulletins, Fee Schedules, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Permits Online

Online permitting tool to apply for most permits (including Rebuilding permits), pay permit fees, check permit status, schedule inspections, look up your property's information, etc.


Digital Plan Room (DPR)

Online process which allows for the electronic plan and document review for various permit applications. When applying for a permit through Permit Sonoma online, our applicants will be asked to upload plans and documents to the DPR portal. Our staff is able to review those plans and documents online and will include mark-ups and comments, if required, directly in the portal.


Permit Tools

Online electronic tools to take care of your online permitting needs including use of Digital Plan Room, search for permit history, search for submitted documents associated with permits, make an appointment or get in the line for in-person service at the Permit Center, apply for residential rooftop solar permits, view our interactive map collection, find out your Zoning and Land Use or if your property is within county or city jurisdiction, view a list of historic landmarks, and report a code compliance issue.


Permit Center

Permit Sonoma’s Permit Center, located in the public lobby area of the Permit Sonoma building, is the one stop shop for obtaining various permits or finding out permit history information for unincorporated areas of Sonoma County.


Permit Sonoma Virtual Office

Information about Permit Sonoma's virtual operations.