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Projects Eligible for Online Permitting

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The following is a list of projects/permit types for which you can apply for online using the Permits Online tool. This includes projects located within areas affected by major wildfires.

On this page:

Building Permits

All Building permits are available online.

More Information about Building Permits

Projects That Do Not Require Construction Plans

You will apply for a different building permit based on whether or not construction plans are required.

For the residential and non-residential projects listed under "Show More" below, construction plans are not required, so you will apply for a "Building Permit with No Plan Check." But please note: A site plan may still be required.

(All other projects not listed under "Show More" below will require construction plans, so you will apply for a "Building Permit with Plan Check.")

Residential Projects

The following types of projects do not require building plans for residential structures and/or associated accessory structures:

  1. Plumbing work, including water heater replacement or installation (including associated water piping, gas piping, and vents)
  2. Electrical work (with a pre-existing meter). New solar (photovoltaic or thermal) systems require plans.)
  3. Electrical service upgrade (maximum of 200 amps including associated wiring)
  4. Mechanical work, including heating and/or cooling equipment repair or replacement (including associated water piping, gas piping, and vents)
  5. Re-roofing, including roof sheathing, fascia boards and rafter tails that are replaced as a matter of required maintenance
  6. Siding installation or replacement
  7. Wall: Dry rot repair and/or replacement in kind or other alterations to not more than 40 lineal feet of wall, provided the work meets the requirements for conventional construction in the building code. “Wall” includes bottom plate to top plate and may include rim joist, rafter tails and fascia (foundation repair/replace and re-framing of room rafters requires plans).
  8. Decks: Repairs to decking or guardrails

Because there are no plans, it is important that the permit description include enough information so that the building inspector can determine the extent of the work. All work must conform to present codes. (Example: Guardrails which are replaced must meet current spacing and height requirements. Stairs must comply with current rise and run requirements.)

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Non-Residential Projects

For non-residential projects, the types of projects that do not require building plans are severely limited because, with some exceptions, when alterations or structural repairs are made to existing non-residential buildings, Americans with Disabilities Act requirements must be made as well.

The following types of projects do not require building plans for non-residential structures:

  1. Replacement heating, water heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment with the same type of unit in the same location. (New roof-mounted equipment or equipment in a new location requires plans. New solar (photovoltaic or thermal) systems require plans.)
  2. Re-roofing (reframing the roof requires plans)
  3. Electrical service upgrade (maximum 200 amps including associated wiring)
  4. Electrical work not involving the placement or replacement of switches or receptacles
  5. Plumbing work not involving the placement or replacement of plumbing fixtures

All other work for a non-residential structure requires plans.

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Other Permit Sonoma Divisions

You can apply for permits online using the Permits Online tool for the following Permit Sonoma permit types/projects. This includes projects located within areas affected by major wildfires.

  • Code Enforcement
  • Customer Service and Administration
    • Addressing and Road Naming
  • Engineering & Water Resources
    • Grading and Storm Water
    • Road Encroachment
    • Road Improvement Plan Review
    • Sanitation Sewer
    • Survey and Land Development (County Surveyor)
    • Transportation Permits
  • Fire Prevention and Hazardous Materials
  • Natural Resources
  • Planning (Project Review)
  • Well & Septic
    • Water Wells
    • Graywater Systems
    • Septic Systems

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Projects That Do Not Require a Building Permit

See When Is a Building Permit Not Required? – BPC-005 for a comprehensive explanation.

You can also watch this Permit Sonoma video for some of the more popular projects that do not require a Building permit.

(Note: You may still need to obtain other permits such as Well & Septic or Use or Zoning.)