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Fire Prevention Staff

Fire Prevention and Hazardous Materials Division

Fire Prevention and Hazardous Materials SealFire Prevention and Hazardous Materials is a division of Permit Sonoma primarily responsible for programs, procedures, and projects for preventing the outbreak of fires within the unincorporated areas of the county.

The Hazardous Materials Unit regulates the storage, han­dling, and processing of hazardous materials through the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) program.

Our goal is to minimize the danger to persons and damage to property caused by fires. In addition to code adherence, the Fire Prevention and Hazardous Materials Division staff is responsible for hazardous materials incident response, fire investigations, and emergency scene management support at emergencies.

Cleanup After Wildfires
For information about Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Sweeps or the Debris Removal process after a recent wildfire? Visit:

Defensible Space Inspections
Each May, the Sonoma County Fire Prevention Division, with participation from Local Fire Districts, will implement the Defensible Space Inspection Program. Properties are sent letters by mail to identify properties that will be inspected. For more Information, visit Vegetation Management Services.

Sonoma County Free Chipper Program

Core Service Areas

Vegetation Management Notice of Abatement

Vegetation Management Services

The Fire Prevention Division offers grant-funded service programs that can help you with vegetation management. The primary goal is to address defensible space, the area from buildings extending to a radius of 100 feet (or to the property line).

Permit Sonoma Fire Prevention

Permits and Inspections

Permits, inspections and assessments, by Fire Prevention & Hazardous Materials, help keep Sonoma County safe by educating property owners and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Grant Programs

Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Programs

List of FEMA funded grant programs that Permit Sonoma's Fire Prevention Division is leading. A few notable grant programs listed are the Sonoma County Wildfire Adapted program and the Wildfire Resilient Sonoma County program (known as the BRIC grant).

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