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Burn Permits, Regulations, and Prescription Burning

Burn Permits, Regulations, and Prescription Burning

November 1, 2024 Burn Permit Requirement

As of November 1, 2024, Burn Permits are required in the State Responsibility Area (SRA) by Calfire and In the Local Response Area (LRA) by the local Fire District.

Please review the information below before burning in your location. Always check the Burn Line! 

See the following Press Releasefor Additional Information and from Cal Fire at

To obtain in information on allowable open burning in your area, find and contact the appropriate air district as described. DO NOT burn without following your air district’s requirements.

Two Permits Required for Outdoor Burning

There are two permits necessary for outdoor burning.

  1. Air Quality Permits: You will need to contact your local quality Control District for permit requirements and applications. Permits are required year-round. Sonoma County is served by two air quality districts. To determine which district your residence or business is in, you can search by address on the Sonoma County Air Quality Districts web page.

    •  Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District (NoSoCoAir) 
      • Call (707) 433-5911 for permit requirements and applications. Permits are required year-round.
        Areas of Responsibility: Annapolis, Bodega, Bodega Bay, Camp Meeker, Cazadero, Cloverdale, Forestville, Fort Ross, Geyserville, Healdsburg, Knights Valley, Monte Rio, Occidental, Russian River, San Antonio, Sea Ranch, Sotoyome, Timber Cove

    • Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) 
      • Call (415) 749-4900 for a notification application, and to learn if burning is permissible in your area.
        Areas of Responsibility: Bennett Valley, Bloomfield, Cotati, Freestone, Glen Ellen, Gold Ridge, Graton, Hessel, Kenwood, Mayacamas Mountain, Petaluma, Penngrove, Rancho Adobe, Rincon Valley, Rohnert Park, Roseland, Santa Rosa, Schell Vista, Sears Point/Skaggs Island, Sebastopol*, Sonoma, Twin Hills, Two Rock, Valley Ford, Valley of the Moon, Wilmar, Windsor

        * Sebastopol Area: For addresses with a Sebastopol zip code, please call the Northern Sonoma County APCD at (707) 433-5911 for assistance in establishing your air district residency
  1. CAL FIRE Permits: If you are burning in the State Responsibility Area, please visit this website for permits and information about safe burning. Permit requirements vary depending on weather conditions, and the size and nature of burns. Know before you burn.

  2. If you are in a Local Responsibility Area: You should check with your local fire department to see if they have requirements for burning.

During periods of high fire danger as declared by the State and local fire agencies, all burning may be suspended until further notice.

On the day of your permitted burn, you must report your burn location to REDCOM, the Sonoma County Dispatch Center, at (707) 565-1700.

Prescribed Fire

Prescribed fire is a land stewardship tool that can reduce the likelihood of catastrophic wildfires and strengthen an area’s ecosystems by reducing the buildup of fuels. Groups such as Fire Forward and the Good Fire Alliance can help residents understand prescribed fire, and what it takes to make use of this tool. 

Residents interested in pursuing a prescribed burn on a property can complete this interest form to request a site visit from a qualified Fire Forward or Good Fire Alliance representative.

To join the Good Fire Alliance grassroots community of Prescribed burners, send an email to the Good Fire Alliance.