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Grant Programs

Grant Programs

Awarded Grants

Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project

The goal of the Sonoma County Fuels Reduction Project is to protect the lives and property of Sonoma County residents while improving forest health and wildfire resilience in the county’s wildland areas by removing hazardous fuels on private parcels and road systems in the county

Wildfire Adapted

Wildfire Adapted Sonoma County helps residents within the project areas understand how to create defensible space and harden homes against wildfire. Each parcel in the project areas will receive a vegetation management assessment and can opt-in to receive a structure hardening assessment. After inspection, property owners will be able to apply for a cost-share program to help implement measures recommended by the assessors.

Wildfire Resilient Sonoma County (also known as "the BRIC")

Permit Sonoma staff applied to FEMA's Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program in December 2020 to fund the Wildfire Resilient Sonoma County project, which has also been referred to as the BRIC Project. The Wildfire Resilient Sonoma County project will complement and scale up the projects, capabilities, and systems currently being developed by Permit Sonoma staff through the Wildfire Adapted Sonoma County program and the Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project. This project will simultaneously implement mitigation projects in built and natural environments across three specific project areas, to reduce the risk of devastating wildfires.