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SoCo Adapts - Why Participate

Program Goals and Benefits

The Sonoma County Wildfire Adapted program (SoCo Adapts) is a first-of-its-kind pilot program that promotes community-scale risk-reduction techniques to reduce wildfire’s potential for home destruction.

Dry vegetation and other fuels near structures can increase the risk of fire spreading and the embers and heat from a wildfire can exploit building vulnerabilities. The Wildfire Adapted program helps residents within pre-determined, high-risk areas understand how to create defensible space and harden homes against the heat and embers of wildfire.

Benefits for Eligible Properties

  • Help reduce risk from wildfire to your home, property, and community.
  • Receive free home hardening and defensible space assessments.
  • Learn about other community resources aimed at reducing wildfire risk.
  • Potentially receive up to $10,000 in rebates for approved work once the program launches in 2025-2026.

This is not a code enforcement program.

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