- Board of Supervisors Ordinance No. 6398
- Board of Zoning Adjustments
- Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council
- Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council
- Mark West Citizens Advisory Council (MWCAC)
- Planning Commission
- Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council
- Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission
- Back to Permit Sonoma
Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Bellow is a listing of the Boards, Commissions, and Committees that are affiliated with Permit Sonoma.*
*Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council, Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council, Mark West Citizens Advisory Council, Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council, and Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission are affiliated with Permit Sonoma, but are administered by the Board of Supervisors.
Permit Sonoma Boards and Commissions – Upcoming Items of Significant Public Interest
Permit Sonoma agenda items that are scheduled for discussion at upcoming Board of Supervisors, Board of Zoning Adjustments, Planning Agency, or Planning Commission meetings. These items have been identified as being of significant interest to the public.
Airport Land Use Commission
Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) to provide for the orderly development of air transportation, ensure compatible land uses around airports, and protect the public health, safety and welfare.
Board of Building Appeals
The Board of Building Appeals is appointed by the Board of Supervisors to hear and decide on building appeals.
Board of Supervisors Ordinance No. 6398
On December 13, 2022 the Sonoma County Board of Supervisor met to amend and adopt County Code Chapters 40 (Sonoma Complex Fires Disaster Recovery), 40A (Kincade Fire Disaster Recovery), 40C (LNU Lightning Complex Disaster Recovery), And 40D (Glass Incident Disaster Recovery) and determine exeption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Board of Zoning Adjustments
The Board of Zoning Adjustments, part of the Sonoma County Planning Agency, conducts public hearings and makes decisions on applications for Use Permits, Zoning Variances, and Coastal Development Permits.
Design Review Committee
The Design Review Committee (DRC) reviews and approves the design of significant new development projects, such as new commercial development.
Director’s Advisory Group
Permit Sonoma's Director’s Advisory Group was formed in March 2004 to advise the Director of the Permit and Resource Management Department on issues related to permit processing and service delivery.
Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council
The Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council (“the DCVCAC”) acts as a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local planning decisions affecting the Dry Creek Valley.
Environmental Review Committee
The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) reviews public projects in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to determine whether a Mitigated Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report is required.
Landmarks Commission
The Landmarks Commission designates historic landmarks, reviews development proposals involving historic properties, and administers an historic resources preservation program.
Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council
The Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council (River MAC) is established to advise the Board of Supervisors and other County decision-makers on local planning and management decisions relating to the Lower Russian River region, to provide a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of advisory recommendations on those decisions and to provide a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local government decisions affecting the Lower Russian River.
Mark West Citizens Advisory Council (MWCAC)
MWCAC is established to advise the Board of Supervisors and other County decision makers on local planning and management decisions relating to the Mark West Area, to provide a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of advisory recommendations on those decisions, and to provide a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local government decisions affecting the Mark West Area.
Planning Agency
The Planning Agency is made up of the Commissioners on both the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustments. The Planning Agency also holds joint meetings. Topics can include discussion of planning issues, policies, new information, and staff review of the status of certain programs or projects.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission, part of the Sonoma County Planning Agency, conducts public hearings and makes decisions on applications for subdivisions, mining permits, and legislative policy matters such the General Plan, Specific Plans, and Zoning changes.
Project Review and Advisory Committee
The Project Review and Advisory Committee (PRAC) serves as a technical advisory committee on subdivisions, takes referrals from the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission, approves minor subdivisions, oversees them, and makes recommendations to the Board and Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) concerning them.
Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council
The Coast MAC is established to advise the Board of Supervisors and other County decision makers on local planning and management decisions relating to the Sonoma County Coast region, to provide a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of advisory recommendations on those decisions and to provide a bridge for communication between the County and local residents and businesses, and the general public on local government decisions affecting the Sonoma County Coast.
Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission
The SVCAC provides a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of public policy, consider issues concerning the Sonoma Valley, evaluate solutions of these issues, advise elected officials and other decision makers, and form a bridge for communication between the various governmental agencies and the general public.