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Previous Items of Significant Public Interest – 2021 & 2022

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The following Permit Sonoma agenda items were scheduled for discussion at previous Board of Supervisors, Board of Zoning Adjustments, Planning Agency or Planning Commission meetings. These items were identified as being of significant interest to the public.


March 14, 2023, 3:00 PM – Winery Events Ordinance

The Winery Events Ordinance defines key terms and sets standards for winery events and standard daily operations (winery visitor-serving activities). Operating Standards for sizing, hours of operation, third-party rentals, on-site parking, food service, traffic management, and compliance with General Plan noise limits are included.  

The ordinance would apply to new and modified use permit applications for winery visitor-serving uses in agricultural zoning districts outside the Coastal Zone.



January 25, 2022 3:00 PM – Sonoma Developmental Center

Permit Sonoma released a proposed project description to guide the redevelopment of the more than 900-acre Sonoma Developmental Center campus in Sonoma Valley. The plan calls for protecting open space, building about 900 to 1000 units of housing with approximately 25 percent being deed-restricted affordable units, and creating new community amenities.  The agency will seek feedback from the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and the public at the upcoming Jan. 25 board meeting.

Visit the Planning Division page for information on other projects, plans, and initiatives.

July 19, 2022 at 1:30 PM - PLP19-0009 Hyatt Place Wine County Hotel

The Board will consider approval of a Specific Plan Amendment, Development Agreement, Use Permit, and Design Review for a 116,571 square foot, 85-foot-tall hotel with 165 guest rooms, conference facilities, and an estimated 176 seat rooftop restaurant located on a 3.52-acre site, southeast of the intersection of North Laughlin Road and Airport Boulevard; and, adoption of a revised Mitigated Negative Declaration.

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August 2, 2022 at 9:15 AM - Vacation Rental Ordinance and Establishment of Vacation Rental License Program

The Board will consider adoption of ordinances that will create a countywide Vacation Rental license program, update performance standards for Vacation Rentals, allow establishing neighborhood caps on Vacation Rentals, prohibit Vacation Rentals in the Low Density Residential (R1) Zoning District, amend the Local Coastal Program to allow regulation of Vacation Rentals in the Coastal Zone, and consider an amendment to the May 10, 2022 urgency moratorium to address applications received after March 17, 2022.

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August 9, 2022 at 8:45 AM - Well Ordinance Amendment

The Board will consider an amendment to the Sonoma County Code Chapter 25B (Well Ordinance) to add provisions for evaluation of impacts to Public Trust Resources and Well Metering, and to make related and technical corrections; and set a fee for discretionary well permit applications.

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August 9, 2022 at 1:50 PM - ZCE19-0007 Zone Change

The Board will consider approval of a zone change request from C2 (Retail and Business services) to C3 (General Commercial) on a 1.69-acre parcel located within the Larkfield urban service area at 5390 Old Redwood Highway in Santa Rosa; and, adoption of a categorical exemption from CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act).

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August 9, 2022 - Workshop and Board Direction on Draft Housing Strategy for 2023 Housing Element Update

This is a public workshop with no Board Decision. Staff will provide an informational update on the County’s Sixth Cycle Housing Element Update. The Housing Strategy is the policy and implementation framework for addressing Housing Element objectives such as meeting the County of Sonoma’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation. The Board and the public will review and comment on the proposed Housing Strategy and the related programs.

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August 30, 2022 at 1:50 PM - Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan Update Workshop (PLP13-0014)

Permit Sonoma has released a final draft of the Local Coastal Plan (LCP) Update for public review. The Board will receive an update on the Planning Commission-recommended draft on August 30, 2022, then is scheduled to consider adopting the Plan on October 04, 2022. The Local Coastal Plan update has been a 9-year process, involving extensive public outreach, research, and numerous revisions. The Planning Commission opened the public hearing on July 26, 2021 and concluded the hearing on June 29, 2022 with a final recommendation for Board of Supervisor consideration.

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September 20, 2022 – Public Right of Way Special Events Permitting Ordinance Amendment

The Public Right of Way Special Events Reform Ordinance changes Chapter 15, Article IV of the County Code to improve the safety, sustainability, and efficacy of event permitting. The ordinance removes exemptions for bicycle events with over 250 participants, creates new standards for exempt bicycling events with between 100 and 250 riders, creates the ability to apply for permits for multiple events, creates the ability to apply for permits more than one and less than five years in advance, makes permits discretionary, and adds new areas where conditions to permits could be applied.

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October 4, 2022 - Well Ordinance Amendment

The Board will consider a revised amendment to the Sonoma County Code Chapter 25B (Well Ordinance) to add provisions for evaluation of impacts to Public Trust Resources and Well Metering, and to make related and technical corrections; and set a fee for discretionary well permit applications.  The revised amendment has been updated from the version heard and discussed by the Board on August 9, 2022.  The complete package of materials, including resolution and summary, for the October 4, 2022 hearing will be posted as soon as possible.

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Well Ordinance Update online GIS map

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November 1, 2022 - 1:45 PM - Winery Events Ordinance

The wine industry and tourism play an important role in Sonoma County’s culture and economy.  However, an over-concentration of winery events can negatively impact surrounding communities. Permit Sonoma seeks to balance these interests in new regulations for winery events and tasting rooms.

The draft Winery Events Ordinance includes countywide definitions and standards for winery visitor-serving uses. The ordinance would apply to new and modified use permit applications for winery visitor-serving uses in agricultural zoning districts outside of the Coastal Zone.

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December 14, 2021 at 1:45 PM – ORD21-0003 Zoning Code Update

The Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of a Zoning Code update to allow working from home and restaurant take-out without additional permitting requirements. An urgency ordinance approved in July of 2020 temporarily suspended permitting requirements for home occupations and restaurant take-out to comply with COVID19 shelter-in-place orders and social distancing requirements. The proposed update to the Zoning Code would make these changes permanent.

December 7, 2021 – Sonoma County Mulit-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan (SCMJHMP)

The Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of the 2021 Sonoma County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan as an update to the 2016 Sonoma County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The federal Disaster Management Act of 2000 requires state and local governments to develop, and regularly update, hazard mitigation plans to meet federal and state hazard planning requirements and as a condition for disaster grant assistance. For this update, Sonoma County partnered with local incorporated city governments and special districts within the County to prepare the 2021 Sonoma County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP). The MJHMP includes a risk and vulnerability assessment of natural hazards within the County, establishes mitigation priorities and actions for risk reduction, and presents a five-year implementation and maintenance plan. The plan complies with federal and state requirements to establish eligibility for funding under FEMA grant programs for all planning partners. Sonoma County’s ability to apply for and receive future funding from FEMA is dependent on having a current, approved Hazard Mitigation Plan in place, and the County's current plan expires in April 2022.

November 2, 2021 at 1:30 PM – UPC18-0037 Los Alamos Road

The Board of Supervisors will exercise original jurisdiction and consider a Limited Term Use Permit for a cannabis operation that includes 43,560 square feet of outdoor cultivation, 10,890 square feet of propagation, and distributor and transport only on a 40-acre parcel located at 2260 Los Alamos Road, Santa Rosa, within the Resources and Rural Development Zone District. The proposed operation will be closed to the public. The project site is currently operating under the Penalty Relief Program.

October 19, 2021 at 1:30 PM – UPC17-0069 Freestone Ranch LLC Cannabis Cultivation and Processing

The Board of Supervisors will exercise original jurisdiction and consider a Limited Term Use Permit for a cannabis operation that includes 39,861 square feet of outdoor cultivation, 3,150 square feet cultivation in temporary hoop houses, 500 square feet of indoor cannabis cultivation/propagation, 1,125 square feet of propagation/nursery and associated processing on a 10.72-acre parcel located at 1478 Valley Ford Freestone Road in Bodega, within the Land Extensive Agriculture Combining District. The proposed operation will be closed to the public. The project site is currently operating under the Penalty Relief Program.

September 28, 2021 – Cannabis Program Update

On June 8, 2021, the Board of Supervisors directed staff to complete a comprehensive update of the cannabis program, based on community input and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). As a first step in this three-year process, staff relaunched public outreach and engagement by holding eight virtual visioning sessions, twelve small group outreach sessions, and conducting a county-wide survey. This study session provides an opportunity for staff to update the Board on the results of the outreach, and receive direction regarding overall program goals and policy options. This workshop also serves as a forum for additional public input on the goals of the project.

September 28, 2021 – Special Events Permitting Reform

Special events like parades, athletic events, and festivals play an important role in the county. The Special Event Permitting Reform Workshop provides an opportunity for staff to update the Board of Supervisors and receive direction regarding a proposal to improve special events permitting. This workshop also serves as a forum for additional public input on the goals of the project.

September 14, 2021, 1:30 PM – Zoning Code Modernization Phase 3 - Update to the Accessory Dwelling Unit and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinances

The Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of an updated Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) ordinance, and related Zoning Code changes, to bring County regulations into compliance with state law. The State legislature recently enacted changes to the law, effective January 01, 2020, to reduce local zoning barriers to ADU development in response to the housing affordability crisis. The changes nullified the County’s ADU and JADU regulations, and Permit Sonoma has since been reviewing and processing ADU and JADU permits using only the standards in state law. The proposed ordinance will codify mandatory state standards for ADUs and JADUs, and allow the County to re-implement certain provisions of its nullified regulations.

September 14, 2021, 2:00 PM – UPC17-0094 Loe Firehouse Cannabis Dispensary Appeal

Appeal of a Use Permit approval to allow the Loe Firehouse cannabis dispensary including 1,891 square feet of on-site retail floor area and delivery service in an existing 3,847 square foot office building on 0.33 acre parcel in Limited Commercial zoning located at 15499 Arnold Drive Road in Glen Ellen. (UPC17-0094)

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September 14, 2021, 3:00 PM – Verano Hotel and Housing

The Board will consider approval of a Use Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Rezoning for a new three-story, 120-room hotel with a roof deck and swimming pool for guests; and a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to allow a new three-story, 72-unit affordable apartment complex. Also proposed is a landscaped parklet on adjacent land owned by County Regional Parks, to be maintained by the applicant. The project site is a 5.9 acre property located at 135, 155, 175 West Verano Avenue, Sonoma.

July 20, 2021 – Vacation Rental Ordinance Update (Workshop)

Conduct Vacation Rental Ordinance workshop, receive staff recommendations, and provide staff direction toupdate unincorporated area vacation rental regulations.


July 13, 2021 – Medley Farms Appeal

Note: Continued from a previous date.

Appeal of a Use Permit approval to allow Medley Farms centralized commercial cannabis processing facility at 2599 Laughlin Road in Windsor. UPC18-0055


May 25, 2021 – Local Coastal Plan Update Workshop

Permit Sonoma will report on public outreach workshops and Local Coastal Plan policy development that has taken place since the November 10, 2020 Board of Supervisors public workshop. Specific topics include climate change adaptation, housing, wildfire mitigation and resiliency, mapping of environmentally sensitive habitat areas, pesticide regulation, and short term (“vacation”) rentals. This workshop will allow Permit Sonoma to receive direction from the Board and provide an additional opportunity for public input on development of the Local Coastal Plan.


May 25, 2021 – UPC17-0041 Indoor and Mixed-Light Cannabis Cultivation

The Board of Supervisors will exercise original jurisdiction and consider a Limited Term Use Permit for a cannabis operation that includes indoor and mixed-light cultivation, processing of site grown plants and distributor transport only, and totaling 6,649 square feet of cultivation. The operations will occur on a 15 acre legal parcel in the Resources and Rural Development zone, in the unincorporated area of Santa Rosa. The proposed operation will be closed to the public.


May 18, 2021 at 2:00 PM – Tree Ordinance Workshop

Under the direction of the Board of Supervisors, Permit Sonoma will evaluate and update tree regulations to implement natural resource policies of the General Plan. This preliminary workshop will include a discussion of current zoning code regulations and General Plan policies, and seek direction on potential approaches to achieve the County’s natural resource goals regarding tree protections.


February 9, 2021, 1:30 PM - Zoning Code Modernization Phase 1 and 2

Adopt an Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma, State of California, amending Sonoma County Code chapter 26 (zoning Regulations) to reformat, reorganize, consolidate and delete redundancies and make limited additional text amendments to clarify existing policy and as necessary for conformity with state law; and determine the project to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.

January 26, 2021 - Turkey Farm Cannabis Operation

UPC19-0002 CSCF LLC Cannabis Cultivation

On January 26, the Board of Supervisors will exercise original jurisdiction and consider a Limited Term Use Permit for a cannabis operation that includes a centralized cannabis processing facility within an existing barn, and indoor, outdoor and mixed light cannabis cultivation, totaling 1 acre. The operations will occur on a 27.67 acre legal parcel in the Land Intensive Agriculture zone, in proximity to Highway 12 in the unincorporated area of Glen Ellen. The proposed operation will be closed to the public.


January 26, 2021 - Sonoma Developmental Center Workshop

The Board of Supervisors will hear an update on the County’s progress in developing a Sonoma Development Center Specific Plan (Plan). Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC) was a nationally-recognized institution in the heart of Sonoma Valley. The SDC provided services to persons with developmental disabilities for over 120 years. In 2018 the State of California officially closed the facility and relocated clients to smaller, community-based care facilities. At 945 acres, the Specific Plan Area includes a large historic campus, agricultural lands to the east, and vast ecological and open space resources.

The State of California owns the SDC site and forged a unique partnership with Sonoma County through a 2019 agreement and state legislation (Government Code section 14670.10.5) that secured funding and allows the County, community and stakeholders to develop a plan to guide future uses and development of the site. Sonoma County is now undertaking a unique community engagement process to identify a vision and a set of guiding principles for SDC that will consider land uses, transportation, economic viability, historic preservation, and conservation of the site’s important natural resources.