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Zoning Search and Zoning Codes

Zoning and Land Use Map

Use the online Parcel Search tool to find Zoning and Land Use information for unincorporated Sonoma County. Some examples of available parcel information:

  • Jurisdiction (unincorporated Sonoma County or incorporated city)
  • Zoning and Land Use codes, Groundwater Availability, Supervisorial District, Williamson Act Land Contract, etc. (unincorporated areas only)

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Zoning Code Categories

County Zoning Codes

Find out what the zoning code letters mean for properties that are not in the Coastal Zone (do not contain "CC" in their zoning code designation).
Sonoma County Zoning Code – Chapter 26

Coastal Zone (CC) Zoning Codes

Find out what the zoning code letters mean for properties in the Coastal Zone (containing "CC" in their zoning code designation).
CC Coastal Zoning Resource Districts – Chapter 26C

Sonoma County Code

View a full index of Sonoma County Codes administered/enforced by Permit Sonoma.

Zoning Code Numbers Explained

This is a brief explanation of what some of the numbers mean in the zoning code designations and how they relate to parcel density and minimum acreage.

The Zoning by Area dataset represents the location of base zoning districts (AR, C1, R2, etc.), density restrictions, and parcel specific combining districts (TS, X, Z, etc.) as specified in Sonoma County Code Zoning Regulations Chapters 26 and 26C.

Zoning Density

Many properties have density restrictions. The following are explanations of zoning density:

  • Urban areas: Density limitation is expressed as the "number of dwelling units per acre." For example, "R2 B6 10 DU/AC" means the density is 10 dwelling units per acre in this zoning district.
  • Rural areas: Density limitation is expressed as the "number of acres per dwelling unit." For example, "RRD 60" means the density allows one dwelling unit for every 60 acres of land.

Minimum Lot Size Requirement

Some properties also have a minimum lot size requirement. This minimum is indicated by a second number following the density. Examples:

  • "AR B6 10/3" means the density is one dwelling unit per 10 acres and the minimum lot size is 3 acres for purposes of subdivisions.
  • "RRD CC B6 160/240" means the density is one dwelling unit per 160 acres and the minimum lot size is 240 acres for purposes of subdivisions.