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riparian waterway with trees on both sides

Planning Division

The Planning Division is responsible for Zoning in unincorporated Sonoma County. It works to develop and implement the Sonoma County General Plan, Local Coastal Program and other adopted Area Plans or Specific Plans. It reviews new development proposals for conformance with the County's General Plan and Zoning Codes.

Planning is divided into two sections, with Natural Resources its own division.

On this page:

Planning & Zoning Information

To identify the zoning on your property and find an explanation of the zoning, start here with our online zoning lookup tools

Phone: (707) 565-1900, option 5
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Apply for Permits: Submit Electronic Application

Please note that the best way to reach staff is via email. More Information

Planning Division Sections

Comprehensive Planning

The Comprehensive Planning team leads the County of Sonoma’s long-range land use planning and policy efforts. Also known as advance planning, the work is primarily focused on creating a long term vision for the people of Sonoma County, which is directed by the county’s General Plan.

All land in unincorporated Sonoma County is guided by its General Plan, which was last comprehensively updated in 2008. Under the leadership of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, the team delivers a work plan that includes working directly with Permit Sonoma customers and leading a number of County initiatives through an inclusive community engagement strategy.

Project Review

The Project Review section reviews new development proposals for conformance with the County's General Plan and Zoning Code Regulations. They also evaluate environmental impacts of private development proposals and coordinate with other Permit Sonoma divisions, such as building and engineering, to ensure that standards for building safety and water resources are incorporated into new development.