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Historic Resources
- Designation of Historic Landmarks & Districts
- Design Review for Historic Resources
- Criteria for Designation of Historic Landmarks
- Standards and Criteria
- Sonoma County Historic Overview
- Dry Creek Valley
- Dry Creek Valley Hop Kilns
- Benjamin Ranch
- Bodega Corners
- Duncans Mills
- Paul’s Resort
- Freestone
- Jack London Village
- Glen Ellen
- Olea Hotel
- Kenwood Block 8
- Kenwood Pagani Winery
- Occidental
- Russian River Corridor
- The Italian Community of Santa Rosa. 1880-1945
- Sonoma Mission Inn
- 40+ Years of Historic Preservation
- Today’s General Plan Program
- Maintaining Historic Structures
- Historic Preservation Grants
- Resources
- Back to Historic Resources
Today’s General Plan Program for Historic Preservation
The Sonoma County General Plan contains a policy framework for historic preservation which calls for a program including the following:
- Develop a historic resources protection program that provides for an ongoing process of updating the inventory of historic resources. Such a program should include: (1) Periodic historic building surveys, (2) Formalized recognition of the inventory of historic resources as recommended by the State Office of Historic Preservation, including rezoning to the Historic Combining District (HD), and (3) Procedures for the protection of recognized historic resources for both ministerial and discretionary permits.
- Designate the County Landmarks Commission to administer a preservation program for stabilization, rehabilitation, and restoration of historic structures.
- Designate the County Landmarks Commission to review projects within designated historic districts.
- Refer applications that involve the removal, destruction or alteration of a structure or cemetery identified in a historic building survey to the Landmarks Commission for mitigation. Measures may include reuse, relocation, or photo documentation.
- The County Landmarks Commission shall review Historic Building Surveys and make recommendations for designation of structures or cemeteries as County landmarks.
- Pursue grant funding for the preparation and updating of historic resource inventories.
More information about the implementation of the General Plan’s Historic Preservation Program can be found here:
- Landmarks Commission – Sonoma County Boards, Commissions, and Committees
- Designation of Historic Landmarks and Districts
- Design Review for Historic Resources
- Historic Preservation Grants
- Historic Resource Inventory, Surveys, and Evaluations