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Historic Resources Inventory, Surveys, & Evaluations

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Sonoma County’s Historic Resource Inventory

A Historic Resource Inventory provides an objective, factual basis for prioritizing and preserving historic resources. When prepared and maintained in a manner consistent with State and Federal standards and guidelines it is an essential tool for documenting the historical importance and character defining features of individual resources in the larger context of a geographic place or historical theme. A well managed Historic Resource Inventory should be used to prioritize the designation of unprotected historic resources. The Inventory should be integrated into the overall planning program including the development permitting process and General Plan policies and Zoning regulations.

Sonoma County’s Historic Resource Inventory (Inventory) is an index to and collection of Historic Survey and Evaluation records that document historic resources or potentially eligible historic resources in the unincorporated area of Sonoma County. The index corresponds to a collection of records stored in numbered binders on file at PRMD. The Inventory is currently used to:

  • Determine when proposed development or demolitions of historic or potentially historic resources require referral or review by the Landmarks Commission or Landmarks Commission staff.
  • Establish a priority for bringing eligible historic resources to the Landmarks Commission and Board of Supervisors for consideration of designation as County Landmarks and/or HD zoning.

The Inventory is also a valuable source of information containing important historical information about the people, places, events and structures in Sonoma County that can be used for research purposes.