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Subsequent Surveys Added to the Inventory

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Since the first Inventory was prepared, surveys of other areas in Sonoma County have been conducted. They include:

  • Penngrove, 1994
  • Guerneville, Rio Nido, Monte Rio 1999
  • Russian River Resort Area, 2006
  • Various properties eligible for Landmark Designation, 2007
  • West Dry Creek Road, Healdsburg, 2007
  • Freestone, 2010
  • Occidental, 2010
  • Bodega, 2011
  • Duncans Mills, 2011
  • Glen Ellen, 2013
  • Sonoma Valley, 2015
  • Various surveys conducted in association with environmental analysis of proposed development projects

In 2007, County and State historic records for the unincorporated area were organized and compiled into a master Historic Resource Inventory (database) by the Anthropological Studies Center at Sonoma State University under a 2006-2007 County TOT Advertising Grant. In 2015, an internship project expanded that Inventory from approximately 2,300 records to approximately 4,000. The Inventory often contains multiple records on a single property reflecting surveys done at different times. The County will continue to add records to the Inventory as they become available. Once the database is complete, a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) map will be created that shows the location of these resources.