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Permit Sonoma

Fire Prevention and Hazardous Materials Division

Fire Protection Plans

Fire Protection Plans

Construction projects and new subdivisions located the State Responsibility Area (SRA) and in High or Very High Fire Severity Zones are required to have a detailed fire protection plan. That plan must be reviewed by the Fire Prevention Division before a building permit will be issued.

The Fire Protection Plan Requirements contains more detailed information regarding compliance.

An on-site fire hazard assessment and consultation specific to your project can be performed by Permit Sonoma’s Fire Prevention Division staff. An inspection will always be performed upon project completion for compliance with the Public Resources Code 4291. If you request an on-site assessment, it will result in a written report containing minimum requirements for your Fire Protection Plan.

Plans can be developed by the following:

  • Arborist
  • Landscape Architect
  • A qualified individual approved by the Fire Prevention Division

Fire Prevention Division staff can also provide this service for residential properties. This service includes an on-site consultation, creation of a report specific to your fire hazard reduction requirements, normal driving time, plan review, and follow-up telephone consultation as necessary. The cost for the service is based on our hourly inspection rate.

Fire Prevention Plans for projects not located in a high or very high fire severity zone can be completed by following the minimum guidelines for defensible space as described by CAL FIRE by following the Living With Fire in Sonoma County homeowner's guide (PDF).

What the Report Should Provide

The fire hazard assessment report shall provide information necessary for you to complete the Fire Protection Site Plan and written narrative. Once the Fire Protection Plan has been submitted and approved, it will be your guide in completing the physical work of vegetation modification and establishment of required Defensible Space Zones on your site.

Defensible space will be inspected as part of the building permit application. Projects meeting the requirement in the report will be allowed final occupancy. Projects needing additional clearances and management as outlined in the approved plan will be given temporary occupancy until work is completed.

For questions or to schedule an appointment, call our office at (707) 565-2361 to speak with a fire prevention specialist.