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Hazardous Materials Unit and CUPA Programs

Semi Truck Crash - 500

The Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Unit has the responsibility for the County's Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) Programs.

Portions of the California Fire Code which address hazardous materials are also enforced by this Division. Inspections of businesses in the County which are included in any of these programs are conducted on a routine basis, and our Division often works in conjunction with the County’s Environmental Health Department as well as local fire departments.

Cleanup After Wildfires

For information about Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Sweeps or the Debris Removal process after a recent wildfire visit:


Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) Programs

Funding for this Division is provided through fees charged to the businesses which are regulated by the County under these CUPA programs. There are approximately 1800 businesses covered by one or more of the CUPA programs. Information regarding hazardous materials in your community can be obtained from this Division.

There are three other CUPA agencies in Sonoma County that regulate facilities in their communities: Santa Rosa Fire Department, Petaluma Fire Department, and Healdsburg Fire Department, which regulates facilities within Sebastopol and Healdsburg through a Joint Powers Agreement. If you have questions regarding facilities within any of those cities, contact the appropriate fire department.

California Public Records Act (PRA)

County Policy Public Records Request

An important responsibility our Unit has as the CUPA is sharing responsibility with the public on facilities within their community that handle hazardous materials under the California Public Records Act. 

Make a HazMat-CUPA Public Records Act Request