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For Immediate Release

Sonoma County announces immediate burn suspension

SANTA ROSA, CA | June 18, 2024

The Permit Sonoma Fire Prevention Division has suspended burning within the unincorporated county in response to Cal Fire’s burn suspension that began 12:01 a.m. June 17. The order bans all outdoor burning.

The Fire Prevention Division will coordinate with Cal Fire on lifting the burn suspension when conditions are safe. The burn suspension includes all open burning, though agricultural, forest management, fire training, and other industrial type burning may proceed if a Cal Fire official has inspected the area and issued a permit.

Anyone burning under a special permit must also check with their regional air quality management district and local fire district for additional regulations and requirements.

The burn suspension helps allow a quick fire agency response to all fires observed after June 17 as they are assumed to be uncontrolled fires. 

Experience has shown that suspending open burning is an effective way of preventing fire escapes, especially as California and Sonoma County enter the summer season of hotter and drier weather. Although all fires cannot be prevented through a burn suspension, their numbers can be significantly reduced. Along with Cal Fire, County of Sonoma Fire Prevention reminds everyone that it is each individual’s responsibility to help prevent fires that destroy lives, property and our wildlands.

The burn suspension also helps prevent smoke impacts to the general public. Burn restrictions will remain in effect until Cal Fire declares the end of fire season.

Anyone responsible for open burning without a valid written exemption from the burn suspension may be subject to a citation, fines and the cost of the fire agency response to extinguish the fire.

For more information please visit or 

Steve Mosiurchak, Sonoma County Fire Marshal
Phone: (707) 565-1380
