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Permit Sonoma Fee Schedules

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Pay Permit Fees

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Current Permit Sonoma Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Fees

View lists of the permit and services fees for each Division within Permit Sonoma.

All fees are effective July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 unless otherwise noted.

Building Construction Fees

  • Building Permit Fee Schedule
  • Other Building Permit and Inspection Fees
  • Building Inspection Valuation and Fee Schedule
  • Electrical Permit Fees
  • Mechanical Permit Fees
  • Plumbing Permit Fees
  • County Fire Marshal Review
  • Fire Safe Standards Inspection
  • FSS Plancheck PRMD
  • Alquist Priolo Fault Trace Investigation Review Fees

Code Enforcement Violation Penalty Fees

Fees for violations of Building, Zoning, and Public Health codes

Customer Service Fees

  • Maps
  • Pre-Application Conferences
  • Road Name or Address Change Applications
  • Staff Hourly Rates
  • Technology Enhancement Fee

Encroachment & Transportation Fees

  • Underground Facilities
  • Roadway Facilities and Entrances
  • Special Events
  • Time Extensions and Penalties

Fire Prevention Fees

  • Residential Construction Fees
  • Commercial Construction Fees
  • Operational Permit and Inspection Fees

Grading Permit Fees

  • Grading Plan Review Fees
  • Grading Permit Fees
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention (NPDES) Fees

Hazardous Materials Unit Fees

  • Range Table
  • Small Quantity Generator Permits
  • Treatment Permits
  • Large Quantity Generator Permits
  • Waste Oil Only
  • Hazmat Business Plans
  • Accidental Release Plan
  • Above Ground Storage Tanks
  • Technology Fee
  • Re-Inspection Fee for Non-Compliance
  • Underground Storage Tank Fees
  • Emergency Response

Project Review Fees

  • Appeals
  • Administrative Certificate of Compliance
  • Agricultural and Timber Preserves
  • Certificate of Modification
  • Coastal Permit – no Hearing
  • Coastal Permit – with Hearing
  • Conditional Certificate of Compliance
  • Design Review – no Hearing
  • Design Review – with Hearing
  • Dwelling Unit Allotments
  • Lot Line Adjustment – Major
  • Lot Line Adjustment – Minor
  • Major Subdivision
  • Minor Subdivision
  • Ordinance Determinations and Interpretations
  • Plan Amendments – General
  • Plan Amendments – Specific
  • Site Inspections
  • Topographical Maps
  • Use Permits
  • Use Permits – Cannabis
  • Vacation Rentals and Hosted Rentals
  • Variance Permits
  • Voluntary Merger
  • Zone Change
  • Zoning Permits that Require Posting
  • Zoning Permits with Environmental Review
  • Zoning Permits without Design Review or Posting
  • Zoning Permits – Cannabis

Sewer & Water Fees

  • Plancheck Fees
  • Inspection Fees
  • Sewer Service Fees
  • Sewer Connection Fees

Storm Water Fees

(formerly Drainage – Engineering Review)

  • Drainage
  • Storm Water
  • Flood Zone

Survey & Land Development Fees

    County Surveyor and Land Development Fees

Well & Septic Fees

  • Liquid Waste Disposal (Septic)
    • Operational Permits (OPR)
    • Site Evaluation
  • Water Wells

Other Fees

Fees listed below are collected by Permit Sonoma on behalf of the following Sonoma County departments or agencies.

All fees are effective July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 unless otherwise noted.