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Workforce Housing (Non-Residential) Fees

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Affordable housing fees assessed on building permits for new non-residential structures.

Review the Notes section below the table(s) for important fee exemption information and considerations.

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Fee Schedule


Effective: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025

Fee ID Type of Use Fee Per Square Foot of Building Area for 2,001 square feet or more
0801 Office, Commercial, Hotels $3.59
0802 Industrial, Warehousing, Agricultural Processing $3.70
0803 Retail and Services $6.21


  1. See Workforce Housing Fee Determinations and Exemptions to determine a project's type of use and, accordingly, amount of the fee.
  2. Fees apply to new construction only. Interior remodels and tenant improvements are not subject to these fees.
  3. The first 2,000 square feet of building floor area, per project, is exempt from the workforce housing fee.
  4. Non-residential projects located within redevelopment area boundaries are not subject to these fees.
  5. Non-residential projects that fulfill the County’s Affordable Housing Program requirements through other approved means are not subject to these fees (see Section 26-89-045, Sonoma County Code).
  6. All workforce housing fees collected shall be placed in a separate account for affordable housing within the County Fund for Housing, and shall be used only for affordable housing as provided in Section 26-89-045 of the Sonoma County Code.
  7. These fees are automatically adjusted on January 1st each year by the percentage change in the Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco Bay Area for the prior year, as reflected in the Engineering News Record.