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Comprehensive Tree Ordinance Update

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The Comprehensive Tree Ordinance Update page contains information about the process for updating tree ordinances and is for informational purposes only.

Tree Permit Requirements

For permitting information, including applications, permitting procedures, and frequently asked questions, please go to: Sonoma County Tree Permit Requirements

Project Update

Board of Supervisors Meeting – April 16, 2024

On April 16, 2024, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors voted to adopt two ordinances which would update the County’s tree and woodland protections. These ordinances will amend the Zoning Code and Subdivision Code and adopt a proposed Oak Woodland Ordinance which would create an Oak Woodland Combining District that would be applied to certain parcels in unincorporated Sonoma County, not including the Coastal Zone. The Tree Protection Ordinance (TPO) will amend the Subdivision Code and the Zoning Code and requires a second reading before the Board of Supervisors prior to final adoption. The Oak Woodland Ordinance (OAK) has been adopted and will begin to be implemented 30 days after adoption.

Tree Protection Ordinance:

Oak Woodland Ordinance:

The Sonoma County General Plan calls for the protection and enhancement of Sonoma County’s natural habitats and diverse plant and animal communities by establishing standards and programs to protect native trees, plant communities, riparian corridors, and timber resources.

The County addresses the protection and enhancement of individual trees and their related plant communities through multiple regulations put in place in the past few decades. Over time, emerging factors like climate change, Sudden Oak Death, drought and wildfire have created new challenges for management of this valuable natural resource.

In light of these challenges, in 2019 the Board of Supervisors approved a two year Work Plan for the Comprehensive Planning Division that directs Permit Sonoma to reevaluate current tree removal regulations. Permit Sonoma has received a Wildfire Resiliency and Recovery Planning Grant through the State of California’s Strategic Growth Council to support this work.


Board of Supervisors Public Hearing April 16, 2024

On April 16, 2024, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors voted to adopt two ordinances that update the County’s tree and woodland protections.

Board Summary Report

Video Recording (item begins 5:56)

Board of Supervisors Public Workshop – March 5, 2024

On March 5, 2024, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors held a public workshop to receive feedback on stakeholder outreach and provide direction on policy direction. Staff are tentatively scheduled to return to the Board of Supervisors on April 16, 2024 with draft ordinances for the Board’s consideration and adoption.

Review: Summary Report and project materials

Watch Video: Public Workshop recording (begins around 1:53)

Urgency Ordinance

On January 23, 2024, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing and adopted an urgency ordinance (Ordinance 6462) that extends the temporary moratorium on certain tree removal and oak woodland conversion until May 31, 2024, unless extended by a subsequent Board of Supervisor action.  The Board adopted Urgency Ordinance 6460, which established the original moratorium on December 12, 2023.

Review the text of Urgency Ordinance 6462 (PDF)

Board of Supervisors Public Hearing January 23, 2024

On January 23, 2024, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing and adopted an urgency ordinance (Ordinance 6462) (PDF) that extends the temporary moratorium on certain tree removal and oak woodland conversion until May 31, 2024, unless extended by a subsequent Board of Supervisor action.

Board of Supervisors Public Hearing December 12, 2023

The Board of Supervisors held a continued public hearing from November 28, 2023 to consider the Planning Commission’s recommendations to adopt updates to the Zoning Code and adopt a proposed Oak Woodland Ordinance which would create an Oak Woodland Combining District that would be applied to certain parcels in unincorporated Sonoma County, not including the Coastal Zone. Staff presented additional policy options including expanding the applicability of certain exemptions and introducing clarifying language between the Tree Protection Ordinance and the Oak Woodland Ordinance. The Board did not adopt the proposed ordinances, but directed staff to continue outreach and develop additional policy options, and return at a date uncertain.

The Board adopted Urgency Ordinance 6460 to temporarily limit tree removal and Oak Woodland conversion which expires on January 26, 2024, unless extended.

Board of Supervisors Public Hearing November 28, 2023

The Board of Supervisors held a public hearing to consider the Planning Commission’s recommendations to adopt updates to the Zoning Code and adopt a proposed Oak Woodland Ordinance which would create an Oak Woodland Combining District that would be applied to certain parcels in unincorporated Sonoma County, not including the Coastal Zone. The Board directed staff to develop additional policy options and an optional urgency ordinance to establish a temporary moratorium on certain tree removal activities. The Board voted to continue the hearing to December 12, 2023.

Planning Commission Public Hearing October 5, 2023

The Planning Commission held a continued public hearing from September 1, 2023, where staff presented proposed updates to the Valley Oak Habitat Combining Zone, which included a proposed Oak Woodland Ordinance and Oak Woodland Combining District that would be applied to certain parcels in unincorporated Sonoma County, not including the Coastal Zone. Additional policy options brought forward by staff for the Planning Commission’s consideration included options for balancing housing and resource conservation, mitigation options, and clarifying exemption language. The Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending approval of staff’s recommendations with certain modifications to the Board of Supervisors.

Staff Report and Video Recording – October 5, 2023

Planning Commission Public Hearing September 21, 2023

The Planning Commission held a public hearing where staff presented proposed updates to the Valley Oak Habitat Combining Zone, which included a proposed Oak Woodland Ordinance and Oak Woodland Combining District that would be applied to certain parcels in unincorporated Sonoma County, not including the Coastal Zone. The proposed ordinance would establish a permitting process for projects that could result in the loss of oak woodlands. The Planning Commission directed staff to develop additional policy options and voted to continue the hearing to October 5, 2023.

Staff Report and Video Recording – September 21, 2023

Planning Agency Public Hearing August 31, 2023

The Planning Agency and Planning Commission held a joint meeting where the Planning Commission continued the hearing from August 3, 2023. Staff brought back updates to the zoning code for the Tree Protection Ordinance, Riparian Corridor Combining Zone, and Timberland Conversion Permits. The Planning Commission asked staff to return at this date with additional policy options. These options centered around mitigation options and fees in the Tree Protection Ordinance. The Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending approval of staff’s recommendations with certain modifications to the Board of Supervisors.

Staff Report and Video Recording – August 31, 2023

Planning Commission Public Hearing August 3, 2023

The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review potential updates to the Tree Protection Ordinance, Riparian Corridor Combining Zone, and Timberland Conversion Permits. Staff presented updated zoning code language, reflecting stakeholder outreach that had occurred since the August 18, 2022 Planning Commission hearing. The Planning Commission asked for additional policy options and continued the hearing to August 31, 2023.

Staff Report and Video Recording – August 3, 2023

Planning Commission Public Workshop September 1, 2022

The Planning Commission held a separate workshop to discuss additional approaches to increasing tree protection beyond the actions considered in the August meeting. This discussion focused primarily on oaks and oak woodlands, and the Commission directed staff to develop oak woodland regulations to help prevent the loss of oak woodlands. Staff will return at a future hearing to provide further options and analysis.

Staff Report and Video Recording – September 1, 2022

Planning Commission Hearing August 18, 2022

At a public hearing, the Planning Commission reviewed potential updates to the Tree Protection Ordinance, Riparian Corridor Combining Zone, and Timberland Conversion Permits. The Commission requested specific updates to ordinance text to expand the applicability of the Tree Protection Ordinance. Whereas the current ordinance only applies to discretionary permits, the Commission directed staff to update the ordinance to apply to all actions involving the removal of protected tree species over a threshold size. The Commission also asked planning staff to return at a future hearing to provide policy options and analysis regarding current exemptions for agricultural uses, modification of existing mitigation measures, and potential updates to mitigation fees. Staff will return at a future hearing to provide draft ordinance text and policy options that are responsive to the Commission's direction.

Staff Report and Video Recording – August 18, 2022

Planning Commission Meeting, November 4, 2021

A virtual public meeting was held on November 4 where the Sonoma County Planning Commission received an update from Permit Sonoma staff on current efforts to improve conservation and enhancement of woodland resources. Staff shared the following information:

  • Background of the project
  • Local policy and existing regulations
  • Current data collection and analysis methods
  • Next steps for the project

This item is informational only and no formal action was taken at this meeting.

View meeting agenda and project materials:
Meeting Information

Board of Supervisors Informational Workshop May 18, 2021

On May 18, 2021, the Board of Supervisors held a public workshop with Permit Sonoma staff to discuss existing tree protection policies and standards. At the meeting, staff was asked to continue collecting data and to develop approaches to improve protection of county trees and woodlands. For materials shared at this meeting, including a video of the discussion, please see below:

Board Summary and Attachments (PDF)
Meeting Video (Item begins around 5:26)

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Are you interested in receiving future updates on this project? Would you like to participate in future workshops or outreach events? Sign up here to join our notification list so we can reach you directly.

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Why Trees?

Sonoma County is home to a large variety of tree species and tree resources located throughout the county’s urban and rural lands. Trees are a defining feature of the local landscape and a shared resource that provide a variety of community benefits. These benefits are often described as "ecosystem services," or beneficial services that natural systems provide to the county. Trees and their related natural communities provide significant services in both urban and natural settings. Trees and their related natural communities provide significant services in both urban and natural settings. Maintaining and increasing these services is key to achieving resiliency and sustainability for Sonoma County.

Aesthetic or visual value Air purification Forest products
Sense of place Water quality Fuel / firewood
Cultural heritage Carbon sequestration Fish and game
Spiritual and religious value Noise reduction Forage
Recreation / tourism Soil retention  
Historic value Wildlife habitat  

Aerial photo of vineyard, woodland and rangeland in the Santa Rosa Plain
(Aerial photo of vineyard, woodland and rangeland in the Santa Rosa Plain)

Existing Regulations

Sonoma County currently addresses management of tree resources through multiple sections of the County Municipal Code, including the following:

Tree Protection Ordinance (est. 1989). This ordinance requires that applicants for discretionary development permits identify trees proposed for removal and trees proposed for protection. If trees are planned to be protected, tree protection measures are required during construction. If trees that were not planned for removal are damaged, replacements or payment of an in-lieu fee is required. The ordinance provides protections to eleven specific species of trees, including madrone, big leaf maple, bay, redwood and seven varieties of oak. Ministerial permits (e.g. most single family residences) and a majority of agricultural activities (e.g. vineyard development) are exempt from the ordinance.

Heritage and Landmark Tree Ordinance (est. 1986). This ordinance provides a process for trees to be nominated for special protections based on age, size, shape, rarity, or location. Anyone can nominate a tree, but the property owner must agree to the nomination. The Board of Supervisors considers the nomination and may recognize the tree in a public meeting, and the property owner receives a certificate and plaque to be placed on or near the tree to notify all persons of the special status and protections. A notice is filed at the Sonoma County Recorder’s Office to support continued awareness and protection. Around 50 trees have been recognized through this process.

Valley Oak Habitat Combining Zone (est. 1996). The purpose of this zone is to protect and enhance one particular tree species and plant community type, the valley oak (Quercus lobata) and valley oak woodland. The district was applied to parcels with soils that typically support valley oaks. In this zone, a permit is required to cut down any valley oak tree with a diameter at breast height (dbh) greater than 20 inches, or multiple trees having a cumulative dbh greater than 60 inches. The applicant must mitigate the resulting loss of trees by methods specified in the ordinance, such as by retaining other valley oaks on the property, planting replacement valley oaks on- or off-site, or paying an in-lieu fee per tree to support a county parks planting program.

Riparian Corridor Combining Zone (est. 2014). The zone is intended to protect and enhance the natural function and biotic value of streams and adjacent areas. The zone is intended to balance the demand for uses like agriculture, urban development, timber and mining operations with the preservation of riparian vegetation, protection of water resources, floodplain management, wildlife habitat and movement, stream shade, fisheries, water quality, slope stability, groundwater recharge, opportunities for recreation, education and aesthetic appreciation. The ordinance prohibits grading, vegetation removal, agricultural cultivation, structures and roads within recognized stream channels or streamside conservation areas, with limited exceptions.

Timberland Production Zoning District. This district provides for timberland zoning, a yield tax imposed at the time of harvest, and the conservation and protection of land capable of producing timber and forest products. This zoning ensures that there remains land designated with a highest and best use for growing and harvesting timber.

Oak Woodland CEQA Requirement.  Although not a County regulation or policy, as CEQA lead agency for discretionary land use permits, the County is required to implement the Oak Woodland Conversion CEQA guideline (Section 21083.4) which in certain instances requires avoidance, minimization and mitigation of impacts to oak woodlands.

For more information on these and other county regulations affecting tree removal, please see the following links.

  1. Tree Protection Ordinance (Section 26-88-010(m))
  2. Heritage or Landmark Tree Ordinance (Chapter 26D)
  3. Valley Oak Habitat Combining Zone (Section 26-67)
  4. Riparian Corridor Combining Zone (Section 26-65)
  5. VESCO Ordinance (Vineyard and Orchard Site Development and Agricultural Grading and Drainage – Chapter 36)
  6. Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation and Combustible Materials (Chapter 13A)
  7. Timberland Production Zoning District (26-14)
  8. Timberland Conversion (Section 26-88-140/150/160)

General Plan Policies

General Plan Goals, Objectives and Policies provide initial direction for this initiative, including but not limited to the following:

  • Goal OSRC-7: Protect and enhance the County’s natural habitats and diverse plant and animal communities.
  • Objective OSRC-7.5: Maintain connectivity between natural habitat areas.
  • Objective OSRC-7.6: Establish standards and programs to protect native trees and plant communities.
  • Objective OSRC-7.8: Encourage voluntary efforts to restore and enhance biotic habitat.
  • Policy OSRC-7a: Designate as Biotic Habitat Areas in the Open Space and Resource Conservation Element the known locations shown on Figures OSRC-5a through OSRC-5i and identified as Special Status Species Habitat, Marshes and Wetlands, Sensitive Natural Communities, and Habitat Connectivity Corridors.
  • Policy OSRC-7k: Require the identification, preservation and protection of native trees and woodlands in the design of discretionary projects, and, to the maximum extent practicable minimize the removal of native trees and fragmentation of woodlands, require any trees removed to be replaced, preferably on the site, and provide permanent protection of other existing woodlands where replacement planting does not provide adequate mitigation.
  • Policy OSRC-7l: Identify important oak woodlands, assess current protection, identify options to provide greater protection of oak woodlands and their role in connectivity, water quality and scenic resources, and develop recommendations for regulatory protection and voluntary programs to protect and enhance oak woodlands through education, technical assistance, easements and incentives.
  • Policy OSRC-7m: Designate important valley oak habitat areas, reevaluate current designations, and apply a Valley Oak Habitat combining district zoning that requires adequate mitigation for trees removed and monitoring of replacement tree survival.
  • Policy OSRC-7n: Encourage landowners to voluntarily participate in a program that protects officially designated individual trees or groves that either have historical interest or significant or have outstanding size, age, rarity, shape or location.
  • Policy OSRC-7u: Identify and consider designation of old growth Redwood and Douglas Fir as sensitive natural communities. Encourage preservation and public acquisition of remaining old growth Redwood and Douglas Fir forests in private ownership with the County. Because of their rarity and biological importance, these sensitive natural community types should be made priorities for protection through conservation easements, fee title purchase, or other mechanisms.
  • Goal OSRC-12: Preserve, sustain and restore forestry resources for their economic, conservation, recreation and open space values.