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Vacation Rental Complaints

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Submit a Complaint

If you experience problems with a nearby vacation rental property in unincorporated Sonoma County, follow this process for submitting a complaint:

Important: DO NOT put yourself in harm's way when making a complaint. CALL 911 if you feel your safety is in jeopardy or there is an emergency.

1. Call the Property Manager

Call the vacation rental's property manager informing them of the problem. To find the property manager's phone number:

  1. Go to the Permit History Lookup and search for the property address.
  2. Look for permits containing "Vacation Rental" in the Description. The property manager's phone number should also be listed in the Description and may be called 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

If you suspect a vacation rental is being operated without a permit, use Soco Connect to submit a Code Compliance complaint. (Select "Code Enforcement" then "Code Compliance")

2. Response Time

Wait for a response from the property manager. The property manager is responsible for contacting the renters to correct the problem within 1 hour or within 30 minutes during quiet hours. Quiet hours are from 09:00 PM to 7:00 AM.

3. Submit a Complaint by Phone

The Vacation Rental Complaint Hotline is availible 24 hours a day, seven days a week

If you do not hear back from the property manager or the issue is not resolved during the required response time frame, submit a complaint by caling the Vacation Rental Hotline at (707) 875-6619. Please be prepared to describe the following:

  • In describing your complaint, be specific. General complaints are harder to process: "It's always loud over there." Being specific helps process complaints: "Loud music was played from midnight until 2 AM on Saturday, March 5, 2022." or "Amplified music went on for 2 hours after I called the property manager at midnight on Saturday, March 5, 2022."
  • Be sure to use the specific date and time of the incident and the date and time you called the property manager, as well as their response or lack of response.
  • The full address of the property. For complaints about more than one property, you must submit a separate complaint for each property.

The Vacation Rental Hotline is managed by Granicus, a third-party contractor hired by Permit Sonoma, and Permit Sonoma’s Code Enforcement Division.