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Update Property Manager or 24-hour Contact

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Instructions for updating the Propert Manager 24-hour contact phone number for vacation rentals. It is the vacation rental's owner's responsiblity to ensure the contact phone number is current.

Update Instructions

Before you fill out this form, check to verify your permit contact information is current:

  1. Go to the Permit History Search and search for the property address.
  2. Look for permits that start with the Letters “ZPE” or “TVR” and contain the description “Vacation Rental”
  3. The property manager’s phone number should be listed in the description.
  4. If the property manager or 24-hour contact phone number is:
    1. Accurate, there is no need to update the property manager information.
    2. NOT accurate, answer the questions in the update form below.

Permit Sonoma charges a Vacation Rental Noticing Fee (Fee ID: 1162) to process your information update. (View Fee Schedule for fee amount.) Please allow one week for processing; an invoice with payment instructions will be sent to the Owner Email Address provided below.

Once the payment is received, the County will notify the neighbors to provide them with the current 24-hour contact information.

If you would like to remove a property manager from a property, please email with the permit number and current email address of the property owner. 

Update Form

Please answer all questions:

PJR-132 Property Manager Update Form (PDF: 191 kB)