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Mixed-Use Development

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The purpose of the mixed-use program is to allow a mix of residential and commercial uses in commercial areas where urban services, such as sewer and water are readily available. Mixed-use developments may include a specific ratio of residential uses to commercial uses. The residential and commercial uses are physically separated and may be rented or sold separately. Residential uses are generally located above the ground floor, leaving the street level for commercial use, but the two uses may be located adjacent to one another in some cases.

Mixed-use projects differ from work/live projects in that mixed-use projects involve separate residential and commercial spaces, where a work/live project combines the work and living areas in a single unit or space.


Mixed-use projects may be permitted in the following zoning districts where sewer and water are available: Administrative and Professional Offices (CO), Limited Commercial (LC), Neighborhood Commercial (C1), Retail Business and Service (C2), Recreation and Visitor Serving Commercial (K) and in commercially designated Planned Community (PC) districts.

Permit Requirements

Mixed-use projects that provide affordable units on-site, meeting the requirements of Article 89, Affordable Housing Program Requirements and Incentives, are allowed as a permitted use in the LC, C2, and C1 zoning districts. A Use Permit is required for projects that do not meet affordability requirements through the construction of on-site units. Notification to property owners within 300 feet and a public hearing before the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) are required procedures for the use permit. All mixed-use projects are subject to design review.

Development Standards

  • Up to 80 percent of the total floor area may be residential.
  • A 15 percent increase in maximum lot coverage and a 15-foot increase in maximum building height and lot coverage shall be allowed if 20 percent of the residential floor area is provided as affordable.
  • Projects must comply with the building intensity limitations of the applicable zoning district.
  • Mixed-use projects shall not be established in conjunction with any of the following commercial activity:
    • Adult entertainment activities/businesses;
    • Vehicle repair, services, or other related uses;
    • Welding, machining, open flame work;
    • Uses that require storage or shipping of flammable or hazardous materials; or
    • Any other activity determined by the director to be incompatible with residential uses.
  • Residential units may be located on any floor of a building, provided that the first 50 feet of the ground floor area is reserved for commercial use. An exception may be granted if a horizontal mix of uses will provide a superior design.
  • A minimum of 60 square feet of private open space is required for each residential unit.
  • Parking need not be covered, but must meet parking requirements for each type of use.
  • A homeowner’s association or other mechanism for maintenance of common areas is required.