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Boyes Springs Food Center Mixed-Use Redevelopment


Project Approval
This project was approved by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors on November 17, 2020. For a complete packet of information pertaining to this approval: Packet

Upcoming Meeting
Final design details will be considered by the Sonoma County Design Review Committee at their May 4, 2022 meeting. More information, including instructions on how to attend/participate: Meeting Information

Project Description

Request for: 

  1. A General Plan Amendment to change land use designations from Limited Commercial, Traffic Sensitive, and Urban Residential, 5 units per acre, to Limited Commercial and Urban Residential, 12 units per acre; 
  2. A Zone Change from Limited Commercial (LC) Traffic Sensitive (TS) and Low Density Residential (R1), to Planned Community (PC); 
  3. A Major Subdivision to create 11 parcels;
  4. Preliminary and Precise Development Plan for Planned Community Zoning;
  5. Design Review; and
  6. A Sign Program. 


The proposed project would redevelop an existing mixed-use development at 12 Calle Del Monte, that currently includes the Boyes Food Center and several detached cottages. The project would increase the total number of housing units from 12 to 37 and increase the amount of commercial space on the site from 3,000 to 7,000 square feet. The project would include eight new townhomes distributed between two new buildings and 29 for-rent dwelling units distributed between the existing Boyes Food Center building and a new mixed-use building. The project includes a request for a general plan amendment, zone change, preliminary and precise development plan, design review, and sign program. The Permit Sonoma file number is PLP18-0013. 

Required Approvals

The project will ultimately be reviewed by the Project Review and Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors.

Project File

View the digital project file and download documents

In “Search Existing Permits,” enter the file number “PLP18-0013.”

Environmental Review

An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. The document identifies several potential environmental impacts which can all be mitigated to a less-than-significant level. The document is available through the link provided in the Documents section below.

Opportunities for Public Engagement

Upcoming Hearings and Meetings

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors is expected to review the project November 17, 2020. 

Past Hearings and Meetings

The Sonoma County Planning Commission held public hearing on August 6, 2020 and recommended approval of the project to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.

The project was also reviewed by the Project Review and Advisory Committee on June 4, 2020, the Design Review Committee on March 7, 2018, and the Development Coordinating Committee on April 17, 2018. 

Environmental Review

The 30-day public review period for the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) runs from April 29 to May 29, 2020. To submit comments, please contact the Project Planner (listed below). Comments on the IS/MND should be submitted by May 29, 2020, at 5:00 PM. Comments received after this date will still be included in the public record for consideration by the decision-making body but might not be included in the staff report for more advanced consideration. 

Questions or Comments

Submit questions or comments to the Project Planner (listed below).

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Project Planner

Doug Bush


Phone: (707) 565-5276


Tim Sloat


Phone: (510) 543-6295