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Project Background

Public Input

In late 2018, the County asked for the public’s help in identifying sites, and over 100 sites were nominated. County staff evaluated all nominated sites to determine if they met the basic eligibility criteria, outlined below. The environmental review process is expected to refine the list of sites further. 

There will be multiple opportunities for interested members of the public to examine and comment on sites that are being analyzed for possible rezoning (see Project Schedule for more information).  

Site Eligibility

In order to be considered for rezoning, sites must have met these basic requirements:

  • Site must be located in the unincorporated County.
  • Site must be located within an established Urban Service Area where public sewer and water service is available.
  • Site must not be located within a Community Separator.
  • If a site is near an incorporated city, it must not be located outside of a city's Urban Growth Boundary.

In addition to these criteria, the General Plan sets forth additional criteria to be used in considering which sites to rezone for housing (Housing Element Policy HE-2f and Programs 11 and 20). These factors include proximity to jobs, transit, services, and schools. 

The Workforce Housing Combining Zone has additional eligibility criteria:

  • Site must have commercial or industrial base zoning.
  • Site must be located within 3,000 feet of a transit center, or within 3,000 feet of at least three acres of commercial-zoned land or 10 acres of industrial-zoned land.