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Workforce Housing Fee Determinations and Exemptions

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Below is a table showing the applicable fee type for non-residential projects. Find the fee amount at the Fee Schedule.

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Non-Residential Land Use Matrix


  • X: Project is subject to fee for nonresidential use category.
  • S: Fee amount determined by planning director on a project-by-project basis.
  • E: Project is exempt from the requirements of Section 26-89-045.
Non-Residential UseOfficeRetailIndustrialOther
Agricultural support services   X 
Amusement centers—Indoor only    S
Amusement enterprise—Outdoor     S
Animal or poultry slaughter   X 
Appliance repair shop  X  
Assembly plants   X 
Auto sales, service, rental storage  X  
Bakery or bakery goods store  X  
Bank—Savings and loan X   
Barber shop, beauty shop  X  
Bed and breakfast inn X   
Beverage bottling plant (non-wine)   X 
Boarding of horses    E
Boat manufacturing   X 
Bottling or canning of agricultural products grown or processed on site   X 
Bus and other transit terminals, depots, and passenger stations, public and private    S
Bus and other transit vehicle maintenance   X 
Cabinet shop   X 
Cement or clay products manufacturing   X 
Child care center    E
Christmas tree sales lots    E
Church    E
Cleaning, laundry agency  X  
Cleaning plant commercial   X 
Commercial mushroom farming    E
Commercial stables, riding academies, equestrian riding and driving clubs, and hunting clubs  X  
Commercial aquaculture    E
Concrete batch plant   X 
Convenience market  X  
Dairy products processing   X 
Dance, music, voice studio  X  
Delivery service   X 
Drive-in restaurant/food stand  X  
Equipment rental  X  
Florist  X  
Food processing plant   X 
Food store/delicatessen  X  
4-H and FFA animal husbandry projects    E
Fuel yard    S
Furniture refinishing   X  
Furniture store  X  
Garment manufacturing shop   X  
Golf course    S
Growing and harvesting of shrubs, plants, flowers, trees, vines, fruits, vegetables, hay, grain and similar food and fiber crops, wholesale nurseries    E
Health club and fitness facilities  X  
Hotel X    
Incidental cleaning, grading, packing, polishing, sizing and similar preparation of crops    E
Janitorial service company   X  
Junkyard   X  
Laboratory—Medical, dental, optical X    
Laboratory—Research and experimental   X  
Laundromat—Self service center  X  
Livestock feed yards, animal sales yards   X  
Lumber—Retail  X  
Machine shop   X  
Major medical care facility/hospital    S
Marinas    S
Medical clinic or office X    
Metal fabrication   X  
Monument works, stone   X  
Mortuary/crematorium    S
Motel X    
Nursery for flowers and plants  X  
Offices X    
Parking lot, garage of facility    E
Pest control company   X  
Photographic studio  X  
Preparation of agricultural products   X  
Prescription pharmacy/optician  X  
Printing—Non-retail   X  
Printing and copying—Retail  X  
Private club—Social center    S
Private trade schools  X  
Processing of agricultural product of a type grown or produced primarily on site or in the local area   X  
Promotional or marketing accommodations for private guests X    
Public utility yard    E
Railroad yard or shops    S
Raising, feeding, maintaining, breeding of farm animals    E
Recycling center—Public access   X 
Recycling plant   X 
Repair/body shop   X 
Residential care facility—Nonprofit    E
Residential care facility—Private    S
Restaurant/bar  X  
Retail nurseries  X  
Retail stores and services  X  
Sales/service  X  
School—Nonprofit    E
Service station  X  
Shop for building contractor   X 
Sign shop  X  
Slaughterhouses, animal processing plants, rendering plants, fertilizer plants or yards   X 
Storage of unprocessed crops which are grown or animals which are raised on the site (“commodity barns”)     E
Storage of processed agricultural products   X 
Tasting rooms, including associated visitor-serving uses  X  
Temporary or seasonal sales and promotion of crops which are grown, or animals which are raised, on the site    E
Tire shop, including recapping  X  
Towing service   X 
Truck and tractor repair   X 
Veterinary office/animal hospital or dog kennel X   
Wholesale stores and distribution    S
Wine offices X   
Wine production, including bottling   X 
Wine storage   X 
Wine tank area and crush pads (indoor areas only)   X 
Wine tasting room, visitor center, conference or dining room X   
Year-round sales and promotion of agricultural products grown or processed in the county  X