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Redwood Apartments
<p>Final Approval Granted October 2, 2019</p>
At the October 2, 23019, meeting of the Design Review Committee, the Committee granted final approval to the project. Approval documents can be found in the project file (see below).
Project Description
The proposed project is a 100 percent affordable, 96-unit apartment building consisting of four three-story buildings and one one-story community building on a 4.11-acre parcel. The project would utilize the County's density bonus program, which allows up to a 100 percent increase over base density, to achieve the proposed density of 24 units per acre. Under the Density Bonus Program, 40 percent of units are required to be affordable to low- and very low-income residents, which the project would exceed as all units will be affordable to low- and very low-income households. The site is zoned R3 (High Density Residential), 13 units per acre density), which allows the proposed use. The project would be served by public water and sewer.
The project is located within the City of Santa Rosa’s voter-approved Urban Growth Boundary. It is within the County’s Urban Service Area, is not within a Community Separator, and it is located on land zoned for housing in both the County’s and the City’s General Plans. The City is involved in review of the project, as the proposal requires joint City/County Design Review Committee approval and a Utility Certificate from the City.
The Redwood Apartments is a proposed multifamily development at 3422 Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa (APN 134-132-070).
Zoning on the parcel is R3 (High Density Residential), 13 units per acre density, VOH (Valley Oak Habitat Combining District). The parcel's General Plan land use designation: UR (Urban Residential), 13 units per acre density. The parcel is in the area regulated by the South Santa Rosa Area Plan.
The Permit Sonoma file number is DRH19-0002.
Required Approvals
The proposed project is a permitted use in the R3 district, and requires joint City of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County Design Review Committee approval.
Project File
View the digital project file and download documents
Select “Search Existing Permits.” In the field labeled “Record Number,” enter the file number “DRH19-0002.”
Environmental Review
A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project. The 30-day comment period on the Mitigated Negative Declaration was May 26 through June 25. The Director considered all comments received and adopted the final Mitigated Negative Declaration on June 26.
See Documents, below, to download the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Opportunities for Public Engagement
Design Review Committee, Final Design Review Approval, October 2, 2019
The Committee reviewed the project and granted final approval. Approval documents can be found in the project file (see above).
Design Review Committee Preliminary Design Review, June 26, 2019
The Committee granted the project preliminary design review approval, and concurred with the Director's adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, at the June 26 public hearing.
Design Review Committee, Conceptual Design Review, March 6, 2019
The Committee reviewed and provided comments on the project at the Conceptual Design Review meeting.
Environmental Review
Comments on the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for this project were accepted for 30 days (May 26 through June 25). The Director considered all comments received and adopted the final Mitigated Negative Declaration on June 26.
Questions or Comments
Submit questions or comments to the project planner (see below).
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