You have
Well & Septic Fees
Fee determinations are based on a number of variables.
Different types of sewage disposal systems have specific fees associated with them. A non-standard septic system has a much higher fee than a simple septic system repair.
Variables which may apply:
- Is a site evaluation required?
- Is a percolation test required?
- Is a groundwater determination required?
- Is a plan check involved?
- Are water well pump tests necessary?
- Will drainage review be required?
You may request other services such as a vesting certificate. Additional fees are associated with these other services.
- Due to the complexity of these determinations, it is unwise to make assumptions until the full scope of a project is determined by Permit Sonoma staff at the time an application is accepted.
- Please do not fill in amounts on checks prior to application acceptance.
By viewing these fee schedules, I affirm that I have read and understand the above cautionary statements.
Well & Septic Fee Schedule (PDF)