A Clothes Washer System is a graywater system that simply collects waste water from a washing machine and distributes it to your yard for subsurface irrigation of landscape plants. Clothes washer systems do not receive waste water from any other source. There is no requirement for a construction permit for this type of system.
Plumbing Permit Requirements
Contact the Permit Sonoma Building Division (for unincorporated Sonoma County) or the local building official (incorporated cities) for plumbing permit requirements.
A Clothes Washer System is a graywater system that simply collects waste water from a washing machine and distributes it to your yard for subsurface irrigation of landscape plants.
Clothes washer systems do not receive waste water from any other source.
There is no requirement for a construction permit for this type of system.
Plumbing Permit Requirements
Contact the Permit Sonoma Building Division (for unincorporated Sonoma County) or the local building official (incorporated cities) for plumbing permit requirements.