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Revisions to Issued Building Permits

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If a building permit has been issued, but a construction project is to be revised, for example by altering floor plans or adding additional square footage, the revisions must be reviewed and approved by Permit Sonoma prior to making those changes in the field.

Use Permits Online to apply for a Building Revision for all revisions to construction plans or other documents which comprise the approved permit documents under an issued building permit. The applicant will receive an approved set of the revised plans for the job site after approval by plan review staff and payment of any additional fees.

Common revisions that require additional review and approval include but are not limited to:

  • Changing (increase or decrease) the size of the building
  • Changing the building height
  • Changing the scope of work
  • Changing the building location
  • Changing the occupancy (e.g. storage to habitable space)

Submittal Requirements

Apply for a Building Revision via Permits Online.

  1. Applicant and contact person’s name, address, and phone number; the job address and permit number.

  2. Drawing sheets or document pages affected by the revision(s) with changes clearly highlighted or delineated with date of revision. Documents must be signed/sealed by the person who prepares or is responsible for them.

  3. Drawing sheets or document pages affected by the revision(s) if there are floor plan changes.

Reviews and Approvals

In addition to building plan check review, revisions to building plans or permits may also need to be reviewed and approved by multiple Permit Sonoma divisions/sections, including but not limited to: Planning/Zoning, Well & Septic,and Drainage Review. When submitting revised plans, it is necessary that applicants meet with a permit technician to identify the required approvals so that applicants can meet with applicable staff prior to submitting the revised plans for building plan check.

Revision Fees

Development Fees

Revisions to plans may also result in an increase or decrease in applicable development fees such as school, traffic, and affordable housing. A permit technician can explain these fees.

Additional Square Footage Proposed

If additional square footage is being added to a building under construction, an additional plan review and building permit is required. The application and plan review fees are collected upon submittal to Permit Sonoma. After the plan review is complete, the applicant will be notified and pay applicable building permit fees. In some cases, the plan review can be done on the same day by the plans examiner on duty at the cubicle.

No Additional Square Footage Proposed

If no additional square footage is proposed and the revisions include internal alterations to the permitted structure, an hourly rate taken from the current Permit Sonoma fee schedule will be charged. In some cases, the plan review can be done on the same day by plan check staff on duty at the cubicle.