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Building Inspection Codes

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Below are the inspection codes for the following Building permit types:

  • BLD – Building Permit
  • BSR – Building Site Review 
  • DEM – Demolition Permit
  • TEM – Temporary Utility, Construction Trailer, or Occupancy Permit

Note: Green Building inspections are performed by a CALGreen Special Inspector, not a Permit Sonoma Building Inspector.

More Information About Building Inspections

Areas with Limited Inspections

All inspections listed below are limited to specific days for properties located within The Sea Ranch, Timber Cove, Annapolis, and areas north of the towns of Cazadero and Jenner.

Building Inspections
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only
Fire Inspections
Mondays and Fridays only

Building Permit

CodeInspection Type
101 building pad grading, rough
102 building pad grading, final
103 foundations
104 piers / piles
105 slab
106 ufer ground
107underground utilities
109retaining walls
110masonry block / brick
116 underfloor electrical
117underfloor mechanical
118 underfloor plumbing
119 underfloor frame
120 underfloor, all
121 FSS foundation clearance
122 rough electrical
123 rough mechanical
124 rough plumbing
125hold downs
126 shear walls
127 diaphragms (roof nailing)
128 rough frame
130tub / shower pan
134siding / wall sheathing
135 stucco
142 wall board
143 fire walls
144 water tanks
152electrical panels / service
153gas test
160smoke detectors
162 fire dampers / doors
163 handrails / guardrails
164 suspended ceilings
165 ramps / stairs
166 accessibility compliance
176 electrical final
177 mechanical final
178plumbing final
189septic electrical final
190 manufactured home foundation
191 manufactured home instl (continuity/gas test/bolting etc)
194swim pool pre-gunite
195swim pool pre-deck
196swim pool pre-plaster/fence
197vinyl/fiberglass pool excavation
198 FSS/FIRE occupancy / final

Building Permit Final

CodeInspection Type
198FSS/Fire occupancy / final
199Permit Final Temporary

Temporary Utilities

CodeInspection Type
170temporary occupancy
171temporary electrical
172temporary gas
173temporary trailer
174 electrical meter authorization
175 gas meter authorization Fire