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Map Gallery

The following is a list of free GIS hard-copy maps that are available for download. The GIS maps provide location-based information pertaining to a specific subject matter and area as well as countywide indexes. All maps are in Portable Document Format (PDF). Available map sizes:

  • Small: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
  • Medium: 11 inches by 17 inches
  • Large: 34 inches by 44 inches

All gallery maps listed can be ordered directly from Permit Sonoma GIS. To place a map order or to explorer other available maps not listed below, please refer to GIS Online Services – Mapping Products.

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Countywide Maps

Municipal Advisory Council - GeyservilleThe map represents represents Supervisorial District 4 Geyserville Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) boundary within the County of Sonoma. To facilitate community engagement, the Geyserville MAC's Council makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors and other County decision makers on land development and public service matters, and/or additional topics as requested by District 4 Supervisor.11 inches by 17 inches
(2.7 MB)

Map Description Map Dimentions
& File Size
Air Quality Control Districts The map represents the air quality control districts within the County of Sonoma. 11 inches by 17 inches
(2.3 MB)
Building Inspection Areas The map represents building inspection areas within the County of Sonoma. Permit Sonoma Area IDs by Inspector Assignment Report 11 inches by 17 inches
(1 MB)
Cannabis Enforcement Division Areas The map represents cannabis enforcement division areas within the County of Sonoma. Permit Sonoma Area IDs by Inspector Assignment Report 11 inches by 17 inches
(1 MB)
Code Enforcement Inspection Areas The map represents code enforcement inspection areas within the County of Sonoma. Permit Sonoma Area IDs by Inspector Assignment Report 11 inches by 17 inches
(593 kB)
Groundwater Availability Classifications The map represents four groundwater availability classifications (zones) that identify water yield, natural recharge and/or major/marginal groundwater basins within the County of Sonoma. 11 inches by 17 inches
(675 kB)
Municipal Advisory Council - Geyserville - Alexander Valley The map represents Supervisorial District 4 Geyserville - Alexander Valley Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) boundary within the County of Sonoma. 11 inches by 17 inches
(666 kB)
NPDES Boundary The map represents areas subject to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) within the County of Sonoma. The areas within NPDES are subject to storm water requirements to improve water quality. 34 inches x 44 inches
(7.6 MB)
Planning Areas The Planning Area dataset represents the nine geographical subregions of Sonoma County's General Plan. 11 inches by 17 inches
(2.4 MB)
Planning Areas & Supervisor Districts The map represents a combination of land development base information as well as the planning areas [the nine geographical sub regions of Sonoma County's General Plan] and the board of supervisor boundaries. The board of supervisor boundaries depict the five geographical sub regions of Sonoma County's legislative body which governs the largest political/jurisdictional boundary of local government within the State of California. 34 inches x 44 inches
(1 MB)
Permit Sonoma Area IDs The map represents 42 geographic areas within the County of Sonoma. The county is divided into these areas for the purposes of various types of inspections that Permit Sonoma staff performs. These areas are named for communities but are not necessarily contiguous with any individual community boundary due to aggregation of several communities into the larger area. These areas are called Area IDs and are appended to the address attached to permits and activities processed at Permit Sonoma. Three character IDs indicate unincorporated areas and two character IDs are incorporated cities. Permit Sonoma Area IDs by Inspector Assignment Report 11 inches by 17 inches
(1.38 MB)
Sonoma County & Incorporated Cities The map represents the Sonoma County boundary and the nine city limits within the county. 34 inches x 44 inches
(913 kB)
USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle The map represents the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute quadrangle index which divides the county into quadrangles bound by two lines of latitude and two lines of longitude, and is named after the most prominent feature (e.g. area name) in the quadrangle. The index assists in locating the corresponding USGS topological map by name - number (e.g. Annapolis - 10, Petaluma River - 38). 11 inches by 17 inches
(4,453 kB)
Waiver Prohibition Areas The map series represents the waiver prohibition areas within the County of Sonoma. Waiver Prohibition Area Ordinances 8.5 inches by 11 inches
(2.9 MB)
Well & Septic Environmental Health Districts The map represents the well and septic environmental health districts within the County of Sonoma. Permit Sonoma Area IDs by Inspector Assignment Report 11 inches by 17 inches
(698 kB)
Well & Septic - Non-Standard Septic System Operational Permit and Monitoring (OPR) Areas The map represents the well and septic Non-Standard Septic System Operational Permit and Monitoring (OPR) areas within Sonoma County. The OPR program is to monitor non-standard septic systems to ensure they are operating properly for the protection of public health and groundwater resources. 11 inches by 17 inches
(4.9 MB)
Wet Weather Zones
(Percolation Test /
Groundwater Determination Zones)
The map represents seven wet weather zones (percolation/groundwater determination zones) within the County of Sonoma. The Memorandum of Understanding with the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board allows for wet weather percolation and groundwater testing during a specified period of time (e.g. January through March), and after having received 50% of the average rainfall. The map assists in locating subject properties interested in testing between the said specified annual period of time.

Detailed map per Wet Weather Zones:
8.5 inches by 11 inches
(549 kB)
Williamson Act Land Contracts The map represents all parcels within the County of Sonoma abiding by and under The California Land Conservation Act of 1965 as of January 1, 2019. 34 inches x 44 inches
(5 MB)

Fire Related Maps

Map Description Map Dimentions
& File Size
Wildland Urban Interface Version 12_2
Wildland Urban Interface Version 12_3
The map represents CAL FIRE's Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas within the County of Sonoma. 11 inches by 17 inches
(1.7 MB)
Fire History 1939 - 2020 The map represents CAL FIRE's fire history within the County of Sonoma. 11 inches by 17 inches
(3.2 MB)

Incorporated City Urban Boundary Maps

Map Description Map Dimentions
& File Size
View City Urban Boundaries To interact with City Urban Boundary layers (Limit, Sphere of Influence, and Urban Growth), reference Sonoma County | Advisory Councils & Commissions web application.
Annexation Report The annexation report represents unincorporated lands annexed into city jurisdictions. 8.5 inches by 11 inches
(563 kB)
City of Cloverdale The map represents the City of Cloverdale's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(458 kB)
City of Cotati The map represents the City of Cotati's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(717 kB)
City of Healdsburg The map represents the City of Healdsburg's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(668 kB)
City of Petaluma The map represents the City of Petaluma's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(1.1 MB)
City of Rohnert Park The map represents the City of Rohnert Park's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(847 kB)
City of Santa Rosa The map represents the City of Santa Rosa's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence and urban growth. 11 inches by 17 inches
(2.5 MB)
City of Sebastopol The map represents the City of Sebastopol's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(494 kB)
City of Sonoma The map represents the City of Sonoma's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(594 kB)
Town of Windsor The map represents the Town of Windsor's urban boundaries which includes the city limit, sphere of influence, urban growth and urban service area. 11 inches by 17 inches
(847 kB)

Sonoma County Adopted Plan Maps

Map Description Map Dimentions
& File Size
General Plan 2020
Land Use & Open Space Plan Maps
The map set represents Land Use and Open Space & Resource Conservation Elements as specified in the Sonoma County General Plan 2020 as adopted on September 23, 2008 by Resolution No. 08-0808. 11 inches by 17 inches
(various kB)
Area & Specific Plans The map set represents area and specific plans, local communities, subject to the Sonoma County General Plan 2020 Land Use Element Policy LU-1a as adopted on September 23, 2008 by Resolution No. 08-0808. The local communities are subject to the specific and area plan development policies. Each community is unique and therefore, has particular policies and goals which assist in governing development potential. various sizes
(various kB)
Coastal Zone Extent Map The map shows the Coastal Zone's location and extent in Sonoma County. 11 inches by 17 inches
(746 kB)
Open Space Coastal Plan Map The map represents the adopted 1981 Open Space Coastal Plan in Sonoma County (as referenced in the 1981 Categorical Ex Order and 2001 Local Coastal Plan Amendment). 34 inches x 44 inches
(1.47 MB)
Hazard Mitigation Plan Maps The map set represents the Hazard Mitigation Plan as adopted on October 25, 2011 by Resolution No. 11-0582. The various maps identify areas in the county that may be affected by different types of natural hazards and different intensities as adopted in the General Plan 2020, and/or Tsunami Response Plan, and/or Hazard Mitigation Plan. Natural hazard events such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, tsunamis and wildfires have the potential to result in property loss and/or injury. Therefore, specific building and development restrictions and/or requirements may apply. 11 inches by 17 inches
(various kB)

Special Study Area Maps

Map Description Map Dimentions
& File Size
Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council (DCVCAC) The map represents the DCVCAC boundary. For more information, refer to the DCVCAC website. 11 inches by 17 inches
(1 MB)
Flood Prone Urban Area The map represents flood prone urban area boundary, a geographical area known as the Permit Sonoma Flood Prone Ordinance 4467. Flood Prone Ordinance 4467 addresses concerns regarding the impact of grading on existing or future drainage patterns. [Black and White Map Version] 8.5 inches by 11 inches
(301 kB)
Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Commission (SVCAC) The map represents the SVCAC (formerly Sonoma Valley Citizen Advisory Commission) boundary, representation areas and planning subareas. For more information, refer to the SVCAC website. 11 inches by 17 inches
(2 MB)

Sonoma County Third-Party Maps

Map Description Map Dimentions
& File Size
Santa Rosa Plain Conservation Strategy (SRPCS) Area - Enclosure 1 The map represents the location of occurrences of the California Tiger Salamander (CTS) and their breeding habitat as well as areas where development could adversely impact CTS and listed plants within the Santa Rosa Plain, County of Sonoma. 11 inches by 17 inches
(2.3 MB)
Santa Rosa Plain Conservation Strategy (SRPCS) Area - Figure 3 The map represents designations of potential habitat for the California Tiger Salamander (CTS) and listed plants as well as existing and pending mitigation banks within the Santa Rosa Plain, County of Sonoma. 11 inches by 17 inches
(4.2 MB)

Liability Disclaimer

Permit Sonoma GIS provides maps as a public resource of general information for use "as is." Permit Sonoma GIS (Geographic Information System) section provides information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete and any conclusions drawn from such information are the sole responsibility of the user. Since the map resources are approximations and not parcel specific, users should not act based on information obtained from these maps without verifying the information with qualified Permit Sonoma staff and, as necessary, obtaining professional advice regarding site/parcel specific development matters.