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PJR-037 Waiver of Covered Parking Requirements

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Revised 2/9/2021


To summarize the process used to request a waiver of the covered parking requirements in certain zoning districts.


In, some zoning districts, one off-street parking space per dwelling unit is required to be provided by either a carport or garage. That requirement may be waived for single-family dwellings per Sec. 26-86-010 (k) where consistent with the neighborhood character and where the applicant can demonstrate that the parcel on which the dwelling is located is of such size, shape, or location that covered parking cannot be provided. The applicant must demonstrate that the uncovered parking area will be visually screened from adjacent parcels and from any streets or roads serving the property.


A waiver of covered parking requires approval of a zoning permit. Upon receipt of a complete application, Planning staff will review the file and determine if additional information is needed. Staff may schedule a site visit with the applicant to determine if the proposed uncovered off-street parking area is adequately screened. Factors to be considered include compatibility with the neighborhood and safety of access onto adjacent streets or roads. Landscaping and/or fencing may be required where appropriate. A determination will be made by staff to approve or disapprove the waiver of covered parking. This is an administrative permit and does not require posting or a public hearing. All decisions may be appealed to the Design Review Committee. If staff determines a site visit is required, a site evaluation fee will be charged (see current Project Review fee schedule).

Required Application Materials

A complete application shall include the following items. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Note: All documents must be submitted electronically. Permit Sonoma staff may, upon request, provide some assistance with electronic submittal if required.

  1. Application forms:
    1. Planning Application (PJR-001), signed by the applicant and property owner(s).
    2. Indemnification Agreement (PJR-011) , signed by owner or agent with owners written authorization. A separate indemnification agreement must be signed by each property owner.
  2. Proposal statement
  3. Site plan meeting the requirements of Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications (PJR-129). The following should also be included on the site plan:
    1. Location and dimensions of all parking areas and driveways from adjacent roadways and their surfacing.
    2. Location, height, and species of existing trees, shrubs or other vegetation that provide screening for the uncovered, off-street parking area.
    3. Location, type and height of all existing or proposed fencing.
    4. Any additional information regarding the existing and proposed uses which, in your opinion, should be included on the site plan.
  4. Quality photographs depicting the property and the location of the proposed uncovered, off-street parking from all property boundaries and adjacent streets or roads.
  5. Filing fee. See the current Permit Sonoma Project Review Fee Schedule. Fees will be determined once the full scope of a project is evaluated by Permit Sonoma staff at the time of application submittal. If paying by check, please do not fill in amounts on checks prior to application acceptance.