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Minor Subdivision

A minor subdivision is a division of land into four (4) or fewer parcels. Minor subdivisions are governed by the Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code, Section 55410, et. Seq.) and the Sonoma County Subdivision Ordinance (Sonoma County Code, Chapter 25). Minor subdivision application are also known as tentative parcel maps.

Major Subdivision

A major subdivision is a division of land into five (5) or more parcels. Major subdivisions are governed by the Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code, Section 66410, et. seq.), the Sonoma County Subdivision Ordinance (Sonoma County Code, Chapter 25), the Sonoma County Zoning Code (County Code, Chapter 26) and the Sonoma County General Plan.

Certificate of Modification

Modifications can be made to a recorded parcel map (Minor Subdivision) or a final map (Major Subdivision) through the Certificate of Modification procedure. Typical modifications to recorded maps include changes to agency notes upon the maps, relocation or removal of easements, and relocation or enlargement of building envelopes.

Submit Planning Applications Electronically

Customers must submit planning applications electronically. Please follow the process to submit a planning application online:

Submit Electronic Applications

Do Not Print Out Construction Plans or Other Documentsdo not print

Construction plans and documents are to be submitted electronically. Paper documents are not accepted when applying for a permit.

The instructions and forms listed below are undergoing review. Some may still contain outdated instructions to print out copies of construction plans and documents. Please ignore that instruction and submit electronically. Only print items if directly instructed by Permit Sonoma for your situation.

Instructions and Forms

  • As part of this application, the applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, release and hold harmless the County, its agents, officers, attorneys, employees, boards, and commissions from any claim, action, or proceeding brought against any of the foregoing individuals or entities, the purpose of which is to attack, set aside, void or annul the approval of this application or the adoption of the environmental document which accompanies it. (PDF: 132 kB) (Version 02/07/2020)

  • A minor subdivision is a division of land into four (4) or fewer parcels. Minor subdivisions are governed by the Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code, Section 55410, et. Seq.) and the Sonoma County Subdivision Ordinance (Sonoma County Code, Chapter 25.) Minor subdivision applications are also known as tentative parcel maps. (Revised 05/22/2010)

  • Use this form for Minor Subdivision Supplemental Application (PDF: 76 kB) (Revised 12/10/2003)

  • Identifies the information and materials required for a Certificate of Modification application. (Revised 10/28/2008)

  • Identifies the information and materials required for a Major Subdivision application and to provide an overview of the procedure for processing these applications. A major subdivision is a division of land into five (5) or more parcels. Major subdivisions are governed by the Subdivision Map Act. (Revised 05/22/2010)

  • Supplemental  Information Questionnaire for Major Subdivision (PDF: 54 kB) (Revised 12/08/2008)

  • Identifies the information and materials required for a Variance from provisions of the Sonoma County Zoning Code. (Revised 05/22/2010)

  • Understanding and agreement that the applicant is responsible for paying these costs even if the application is withdrawn or not approved. (PDF: 229 kB) (Version 02/16/2020)