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Zoning Permits

Planning permits such as zoning permits may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Zoning clearances are required for building permits issued for new buildings, structures, or additions to existing buildings or structures. There may be additional setback requirements for a building depending upon the location near a scenic roadway or waterway. Additional review, such as administrative design review, may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit.

Submit Planning Applications Electronically

Customers must submit planning applications electronically. Please follow the process to submit a planning application online:

Submit Electronic Applications

Do Not Print Out Construction Plans or Other Documentsdo not print

Construction plans and documents are to be submitted electronically. Paper documents are not accepted when applying for a permit.

The instructions and forms listed below are undergoing review. Some may still contain outdated instructions to print out copies of construction plans and documents. Please ignore that instruction and submit electronically. Only print items if directly instructed by Permit Sonoma for your situation.

Instructions and Forms

General Zoning Permits

In general, all zoning permit applications must include, at a minimum:

Requirements for specific types of zoning permits are listed below. Email with questions.

Accessory Dwelling Units & Junior Accessory Dwelling Units

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are allowed in addition to a single-family ("primary") residence.

Zoning permits are generally no longer required to establish an ADU. In very limited circumstances, a zoning permit may be required to designate an existing dwelling unit as an ADU, and to remove an affordable housing agreement that designates an existing ADU as a deed-restricted affordable unit. In those cases, the items below should be submitted as applicable:

  1. PJR-001 - Planning Application (PDF: 40 kB)
  2. PJR-011 - Indemnification Agreement (PDF: 72 kB)
  3. Site plan (meeting the requirements of  PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications)
  4. Elevations of existing or proposed ADU
  5. Affordable Housing Agreement establishing the ADU as an affordable unit

Agricultural Farmstay

Agricultural farmstays are transient lodging accommodations provided as part of a farming operation.

Agricultural Employee Dwelling Unit

Agricultural Employee Dwelling Units are used to house full-time agricultural employees. Family members of the full-time agricultural employee may also reside in the dwelling unit. Multiple agricultural employee dwelling units may be allowed on a single property, provided the onsite agricultural operation meets the agricultural use thresholds listed below.

Cannabis Cultivation

The County of Sonoma began to accept applications for Cannabis permits on July 5, 2017. View instructions and forms necessary for obtaining Cannabis Cultivation zoning permits in unincorporated Sonoma County.

Confined Livestock Farming

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Covered Parking Waiver

All forms are built into the online application:

Daycare Large Family

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Farm Retail Sales

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Home Occupation

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Horse Boarding

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Legal Non-Conforming Determination

All forms are built into the online application:

Minor Timberland Conversion

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Mobile Home

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Setback Reduction Approval

All forms are built into the online application:

Small-Scale Agricultural Processing

On-the-farm processing to convert produce into higher-value packaged consumer goods and/or carrying out direct sales to consumers from the farm.

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Special Events/Cultural Events

Special Events are one-time, annual, or recurring events using public property, streets, sidewalks, alleys, and parking areas beyond the normal pattern of use. This also includes events on private property beyond the zoned use of that property.

All forms and instructions listed below must be completed:

Tree Removal Permit and Oak Woodland Permit

Many tree removal activities now require a Use permit or a Zoning permit. Find out what trees and what habitats are subject to tree removal permits, how to apply for permits, and what activities are exempt.
More Information: Tree & Oak Woodland Ordinances

Vacation Rentals and Hosted Rentals

Vacation Rentals

Vacation rentals are the rental of a private residence for periods of 30 days or less. Vacation rentals are the rental of a whole private residence for periods of 30 days or less. Vacation Rentals do not include Bed and Breakfast Inns or hosted rentals, which are regulated differently.

Vacation rentals must have a Vacation Rental Permit, Certified Vacation Property Manager, Vacation Rental License, Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Number, and meet Performance Standards to ensure compatibility with surrounding residential uses.

Hosted Rentals

Hosted rentals are the rental of a single room or sleeping area within a single-family dwelling, where the property owner remains in residence.
Hosted rentals must have a Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Number and meet Performance Standards to ensure compatibility with surrounding residential uses.