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PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications
Version 06/25/2024
Site plans are required for Planning applications submitted to Permit Sonoma. The graphic below shows a sample site plan. Some minor Planning applications may not require this level of detail.
Building & Engineering Permits: For Building and other non-Planning site plan requirements, visit CSS-019 – Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements.
On this page: Site Plan Example | Requirements | Footnote
Requirements and Footnote
- Minimum Standards. All site plans must be meet general architectural or engineering standards and be legible and drawn to scale, including a bar scale. Preparation of the required site plan by a draftsperson, architect, landscape architect or engineer is strongly recommended. Aerial photos will not be accepted in lieu of the Standard Site Plan, but can provide useful information to assist in preparing the site plan. All site plans must include a bar scale, north arrow, project name/applicant, name of preparer, date prepared, and date of last revision.
- Format. Each “Plan” or “Plan set” must be saved in PDF format and each file should be under 300MB in size. Plans should be formatted for 11 inches x 17 inches printing or larger format, such as 24 inches x 36 inches. Layers should be “flattened” prior to uploading the PDF(s).
- Existing Structures. Show and label the use of all existing structures and outdoor use areas including pool/spa, patios, parking areas, accessory structures, fences, and retaining walls. Show dimensions of all existing structures and outdoor use areas, their total square footage and distance to all property lines. Address and size (in square feet) for each structure must be included with the lable for each structure, where applicable. Identify existing roads, driveways, waterways, drainage features, septic systems including expansion areas, sub drains, wells and underground utilities. Property lines and dimensions supplied by applicant are for representational purposes only and do not constitute an approval of the location by the County. While not required, it is the Owner’s responsibility to have property lines surveyed.
- Easements, building envelopes, and covenants. Research the property records and show the location and extent of any easements and their purpose, building envelopes, deed restrictions, agreements, and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) that affect the property. Building envelopes can often be found on the Final Maps of subdivisions available at Permit Sonoma. If no building envelopes are shown, or the property was not created by subdivision, the building envelopes are the required setbacks found in the zoning code for each zoning district’s “Development Standards” table. Easements can be found on a title report or by researching records at the County Recorder’s office or a title company.
- Proposed Uses, Structures, and Improvements. Identify all proposed uses, structures and improvements and differentiate proposed from existing by using different line weights. Include outdoor use areas such as, storage areas, patios, parking areas, accessory structures, pools/spas, fences, and retaining walls. Show dimensions of all proposed structures and use areas, their total square footage, distance to property lines, setbacks to septic systems, creeks, wells and other structures. Identify all proposed improvements including driveways, turnarounds, turnouts, areas to be graded, drainage features, power poles, and underground utilities. Identify the types and total number of parking spaces for vehicles, bicycles and electric vehicle charging stations, including accessible spaces and the accessible path of travel if the use is public.
- Combining Districts and Split Zoning. Where applicable; combining districts and zoning overlays shall be mapped including, but not limited to: scenic resource, riparian corridors, biotic habitat zones, valley oak habitat, historic districts, and geologic hazard areas. Where instances of split zoning occur, the boundaries of each zoning district must be clearly identified incuding zoning designation and acreage of each individual split-zoned portion of the parcel(s).
- Natural Features. Location and names of both natural and man-made water courses and ponding areas, or areas of periodic inundation; including, but not limited to: creeks, streams, rivers, seasonal drainages, and wetlands.
- Landscaping and Tree Protection. Show the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed irrigated landscape areas, including square footage and dimensions of all lawn or turf areas. Show all existing and proposed landscape features, such as ponds, pools, berms and hedges. Show the dripline of all trees and the approximate location of all trees by species type that are 8 inches in diameter or larger within development area. Indicate which trees will be retained or removed and provide a table summarizing the total by species and diameters.
- Contours1 (lines denoting elevation of terrain) are required for all planning permits involving grading or building construction. Contours shall be shown and labeled at maximum vertical intervals of 10 feet. For areas within flood zones, near or within riparian zones or wetlands a contour interval of 2 feet is required. Contours may be obtained by property survey or can be obtained from the County’s Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) survey2.
- Fire Safe Standards. Site plans must show the width of access roads to and around buildings and turnaround areas for Fire and Emergency services in compliance with Fire Safe Standards required by the Fire Prevention Division. All gates must be set back at least 30 feet from from the road per Fire Safe Standards.
- The Business and Professional Code governs who can produce contours and what licenses are required in the State of California. Permit Sonoma will accept contours produced from the following person(s):
- Property owner (Business and Professions Code section 6744)
- California licensed surveyor (Business and Professions Code section 8726)
- California licensed civil engineer (Business and Professions Code sections 6731 and 6731.1)
- California licensed architect (Business and Professions Code sections 6737 and 5500.1)
- Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data