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Rebuilding and Accessory Units

Read About Two Families Who Rebuilt with an ADU
When deciding to rebuild his family’s Mark West Springs home after the 2017 Tubbs Fire, Casey Meints knew that it would take much less time to build an accessory dwelling unit than to rebuild the main residence. They chose to add an accessory dwelling unit to their property in their new building plans. The family lived in this new unit while rebuilding the rest of the property, allowing them to move back onto their land more quickly.
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As you work on the design to rebuild your home, we encourage you to consider including adding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) to your building plans.

We realize the financial burden that is involved in rebuilding your home. Building Accessory Units and Junior Units into your home can include the following benefits:

  • ADUs and JADUs can provide revenue streams for you, while increasing the availability of rental housing in the county.
  • These units also provide flexibility for aging in place by creating space for family and/or caregivers while maintaining homeowners' privacy.
  • You may even be able to live in your accessory dwelling unit while your primary residence is rebuilt.

All residential properties can have a junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU) by converting a bedroom to include an efficiency kitchen and separate entrance. Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are allowed where adequate water and sewer or septic are demonstrated (there is no minimum lot size for an accessory dwelling unit). A single parcel that meets the criteria can have both a junior and accessory dwelling unit in addition to the primary residence. The County is allowing residents to build detached accessory dwelling units to live in while they are rebuilding their main residence.

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Incentive for Construction of New Accessory Dwelling Units

Development impact fees that are typically charged on new residential units to cover the cost of improvements needed for traffic and parks has been reduced or waived for new accessory dwelling units as noted below. The fee reduction is intended to encourage construction or installation of accessory dwelling units to house fire victims while rebuilding or add to the rental housing stock.

Size of Unit Parks and Traffic
Impact Fee Reduction
0 - 750 square feet Fees waived
751 - 1,000 feet 50% of fees