You have
Process for Electronic Submission
Please take the following general outline of the Electronic Plan Review (EPR) process under consideration prior to submitting, and during the processing of, your plan check. Familiarize yourself with the details below and contact the Resiliency Permit Center at (707) 565-1788 or if you have any questions.
Step 1 - Apply
To apply for Electronic Plan Review (EPR), proceed as follows:
- Go to Permits Online, Permit Sonoma's online permitting tool.
- Select "Start a New Application" and follow instructions. Be ready to upload the following required documents:
- Project plans
- Calculations
- Any associated or supporting documentation
Step 2 - Prescreening
Permit Resiliency Center Community Development Technician prescreens submittal to verify completeness and accuracy;
- If incomplete, project returned to applicant to address deficiencies.
- If complete, Community Development Technician applies plan check fees, permit number, and notifies applicant.
Step 3 - Fee Payments
- Applicant is notified of pending fees;
- Once fees are paid, project is fully complete for review.
Step 4 - Department Review and Resubmittal
- County reviewers review project plans and associated documents to approve or issue comments/corrections;
- If comment or correction are required, applicant addresses comments /corrections and resubmits plans and documents to EPR system;
- Resubmitted plans and documents must use the exact file name and plan sheet size as the prior versions of uploaded plan sheets.
- Subsequent rounds of County review will occur until the project meets all requirements and is approved.
Step 5 - Approval and Permit Issuance
- Applicant is notified when project is approved, and plans are ready for download;
- Project is approved, and permit is considered issued only upon a visit to the Resiliency Permit Center and completion of all the following:
- Permit fees are paid in full; and
- Permit is issued to a California licensed contractor or other authorized agent. Refer to CSS-026 Owner Builder Information, Notice to Property Owner & Owner Authorization (PDF) on who may legally obtain a permit and what associated documentation is required at time of permit issuance.
- For Job Site: Printed set of project plans (24 inches x 36 inches or larger) downloaded from EPR (with County seal and project number) can be brought to the Permit Resiliency Center to obtain a wet-stamp (this is the plans set required at job site during construction activity).