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Requirements for Electronic Processing

Rebuilding Together

Requirements and tasks neccessary for electronically processing your rebuilding project are listed below.

Contact the Resiliency Permit Center at (707) 565-1788 or if you have any questions.

Required Verification

Historic square footage verification

  • County assessor info / report
  • Old permits
  • Previous approved plans

Engineering Verification

Water Verification

  1. Municipal water service
    • Provide a will service letter form water purveyor
  2. Private Well
    • Existing well location to be provided on site plan
  3. If new well is proposed (Separate permit required)
    Chapter 25B – Water Well Construction Standards

Waste Water Verification

Sewer Verification

  1. Will server letter from Sewer District
    1. New connection (Connection fees)
      • New connection (Separate Sewer permit required)
      • Encroachment permit required for any work in public right away (Separate encroachment permit required)
    2. Re-establish connection (Separate Sewer permit required to re-establish connection to sewer district)

Septic Verification

  1. Permitting Guidelines for Damaged Septic Systems
  2. Modified septic certification (Existing System to be reused)
    1. Provide certification from listed professionals and method of verification system is working properly:
      WLS-036 Septic System Evaluations for Rebuilding and Temporary Housing (Sonoma Complex Fire) (PDF)

Grading Verification

Grading checklist (Over 100 cubic yards)

  1. If Grading Questionnaire form is completed and verified ("no" answered for all questions), no grading permit is required:
    GRD-002 Grading Permit Questionnaire (PDF)
  2. If Grading Questionnaire is completed and verified with any yes or unknowns (Separate permit is required)
    1. In addition to a complete Grading and Drainage report the following forms will be required to be completed:

Property Clean-up Certification

Plans can be submitted and approved before clean-up certification is received. Will be a condition of issuance.

Fire Verification

Permitting Guidelines for Fire Safe Standards

  • Driveway Access to site (Existing System to be reused)
  • New Access or Driveway (Separate permit is required GRADING)

WUI Verification

Planning Verification

Planning Regulations

See:  Chapter 26 – Sonoma County Zoning Regulations

Scenic Landscape Units

See: Standards for Waiver of Design Review Requirements for SLUs

Building Division Plan Requirements

Residential House Plan

Minimum Size: 18 inches x 24 inches
Maximum Size: 24 inches x 36 inches

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Plot / Site Plan
  3. Floor Plan
  4. Foundation Plan
  5. Exterior Elevations
  6. Framing Plan
  7. Wall Bracing / Shear Wall Plans
  8. Cross Sections
  9. WUI (if applicable)
  10. Details
  11. Green Building
  12. Fire Sprinkler Plans
    1. Fire Sprinklers can be deferred.
    2. Hydo Calculations
    3. Sprinkler Plan
      1. Floor plan of sprinkler head location
    4. Product Specification sheets
      1. Sprinkler
      2. Backflow
      3. Extinguisher
      4. Tank
    5. Verification of water pressure from source
      1. Water Provider
        • Water meter size (meter upgrade 5/8 to 3/4)
      2. Well Source
        • Water
  13. 2 Wet Stamped Calculations or Electronic format
    1. Geo technical Report or Finding report
    2. Structural Calculations (if applicable)
    3. T/24 Calculations (Calculations to be Registered)
      1. Truss Calculations (Truss Calculation may be deferred)
      2. Design Profession in responsible in charge to provide stamped letter that they have review the truss calculation to their design.
      3. Deferred truss calculation will be billed at an hour rate and will need to be submitted prior to shear inspection.

Assessor Set (Hard Copy Only)

  1. Site
  2. Floor
  3. Elevation