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PJR-040 Minor Subdivision
After complete applications are submitted, a project planner in the Project Review Division of Permit Sonoma is assigned to the project. Information packets (referrals) are sent to various Permit Sonoma Divisions, County departments, and State agencies for review, comment and conditions. Based on those responses and staff review, additional information or studies may be required. Environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is required if the property is outside of an urban service area (where public water and sewer are available.) The project planner will prepare an initial study under California Environmental Quality Act. This is an assessment of potential environmental impacts and identification of mitigation measures to reduce potential impacts to an insignificant level. If the project planner determines that no significant environmental impact will result from the proposed subdivision, a Negative Declaration will be prepared.
After the Negative Declaration (or Mitigated Negative Declaration) is completed, the proposed minor subdivision will be set for a public hearing before the Project Review and Advisory Committee (PRAC). A notice of the public hearing is published in a newspaper of general distribution, posted on the property and sent to owners of property within 300 feet of the site. A copy of recommended conditions and/or mitigation is sent to the applicant prior to the hearing date. All interested persons are given an opportunity to comment on the proposed minor subdivision at the public hearing. If the project is approved by PRAC, there is a ten (10) day appeal period for appeals to the Planning Commission. After final approval, the applicant has 24 months to comply with the conditions of approval and complete the subdivision by recording the parcel map. The applicant may apply for a one year extension of time prior to the expiration of this 24 month period.
Required Application Materials
A complete application must include all of the following:
- An application form signed by all property owners.
- A current copy of the recorded deed(s) to the property to be subdivided (available at the County Recorder’s office.)
- A current Assessor’s parcel map (highlight the subject property.)
- A copy of the USGS quad map (8 ½ inches x 11 inches) with the site delineated.
- A copy of a Fire Safe & Vegetation Management Plan as described on the Major Subdividion page.
- Ten (10) full-sized copies of a tentative parcel map prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor. This map must comply with all tentative map requirements on the reverse side of this page.
- One (1) legible reduced copy of the tentative parcel map (8 ½ inches x 11 inches)
- Provide description of stormwater management including runoff, treatment, drainage, and flood control. If applicable, provide location of existing wetlands and measures to avoid. An alternative analysis should be required demonstrating why the wetlands cannot be avoided.
Tentative Parcel Map Requirements
The tentative parcel map must be drawn to scale and must contain the following information graphically shown in a legible manner. The large maps must be between 24' x 36" pr 11 in. x 17 in. in size, and one reduction must be submitted at 8 ½ in. x 11 in.
- The boundary line of the original parcel with the dimensions base on the latest Assessor’s map or other record data, and the name, address and telephone number of the property owner(s) and person preparing the map.
- The proposed lot lines with dimensions and with a number designated on each new parcel.
- The location of all existing and proposed structures, easements, utility lines, septic systems and wells located on the original parcel and adjacent parcels together with their dimensions and/or distances to property lines and other site features.
- The distance from existing structures to the boundary lines of the new parcel on which structures are located. Setbacks must meet zoning requirements.
- The name, type, location, and width of all existing and proposed streets and easements. For new roads and streets, provide a cross section to show how the road or street is to be constructed.
- Show the topography of the site and all adjoining properties within 200 feet of the site. The map must include contour lines and intervals appropriate to ascertain the topographical characteristics and must show slope bands in the following ranges: 1% to 10%, 10% to 50%, and 50% and greater.
- Location and names of both natural and man-made water courses and ponding areas, or areas of periodic inundation on the parcel being divided and on adjacent properties which might affect the design of the applicant’s proposal.
- North arrow and scale.
- Vicinity map showing the general location of the project with main roads and access. This may be inserted on the tentative parcel map.
- Existing vegetation - specifically include the location of all protected trees greater than 9" in diameter and identify their drip lines when in close proximity to proposed development. See Tree Protection Ordinance, Section 26-88-010(m) of the Sonoma County Code.
Tentative parcel maps submitted without the above information will not be accepted
Filing Fee
See current Permit Sonoma Project Review Fee Schedule.