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Code inforcement

Code Enforcement Division

Code Enforcement is the section of Permit Sonoma that responds to complaints and enforces violations of the County's building, zoning, and health regulations within unincorporated Sonoma County.

The Code Enforcement Section works with individuals, neighborhoods, and other agencies to resolve violations of Sonoma County Code. With the exception of high-priority complaints regarding immediately hazardous fire, life safety, or health violations, Code Enforcement pursues complaints and violations based on a priority system and staff resources availability. Code Enforcement's general purpose is to maintain conformance with the County's applicable codes and adopted ordinances.

Code Enforcement Investigates

  • Abandoned vehicles on private property
  • Accessibility complaints
  • Construction without permits
  • Failing septic systems
  • Grading and drainage violations
  • Junk and debris accumulation
  • Health and safety issues
  • Housing code violations
  • Unpermitted Cannabis operations
  • Zoning violations/Illegal uses of land (examples: commercial use in a residential area or vacation rental without permit)

If you want to report a complaint:

Submit Complaint »

Code Enforcement Does Not Investigate

Staff does not investigate instances of the following issues. Please report such issues to the appropriate agency.

Issue Contact
Complaints within city jurisdictions Appropriate city code enforcement department
Noise/Disturbing the peace Sonoma County Sheriff
Non-operative vehicles parked on highways California Highway Patrol (CHP)
Property line disputes Civil matter
Shared easement access Civil matter
Cigarette/Vaping/Cannabis Smoking Sonoma County Health Services
Rodent/Insect infestations Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District
CCRs and HOA regulations Civil matter, contact your homeowners association
Parking regulations Sonoma County Sheriff or California Highway Patrol (CHP)

Our Goal

The goal of the Permit and Resource Management Code Enforcement Division is to fulfill our mission with a  human touch, consistent with Permit Sonoma’s Philosophy.  Our priority will be to investigate complaints in a timely manner, work collaboratively with property owners to obtain voluntary compliance whenever possible and manage our unresolved cases to our professions highest standards, consistent with priorities established by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.

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