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Make a Code Compliance Complaint

Complaint Process

Important: Do not put yourself in harm's way when attempting to make or investigate a complaint. Call 911 if you feel your safety is in jeopardy or there is an emergency.

Building, Zoning, Septic, Cannabis, and Safety

Code Enforcement investigates all valid complaints in a prioritized order determined by the greatest health and safety risk. Complaints alleging immediately hazardous or dangerous conditions are the highest priority.

We do not accept anonymous complaints. You may request your name and contact information be kept confidential (which will not be disclosed unless court ordered by a judge).

To make a code violation complaint regarding suspected building, zoning, cannabis, grading, hazardous/dangerous conditions, or well & septic issues:

  1. Check the Jurisdiction lists to ensure it's a matter that Code Enforcement investigates.
  2. Check that there isn't already an open violation similar to your complaint. Use our Permit History Lookup Tool to search by a property's address or by parcel number. If there already is a similar violation on file, we are aware of the problem. Please do not submit a new duplicate complaint.
  3. Report the complaint with SoCo Connect. Please provide a detailed description of the alleged violation and/or the health or safety hazard you perceive.

Video Instructions for Submitting Complaints