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GRD-004 Grading Permit Required Application Contents

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This page lists submittal requirements for grading permit applications and a checklist for grading plans.

Version 03/08/2024

Grading Permit Application

Minimum Submittal Information

Must contain the following items:

  1. Register for an account and apply electronically at Permits Online.
  2. Set of grading plans (all plans in one PDF document).
  3. Drainage reports (see DRN-006 Drainage Report Required Contents form for more information).

May also be required, depending on project:

  1. Letter of authorization signed by the property owner.
  2. Soils report if referenced in the plans/drainage report.

Grading Plans

Grading plans shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail the proposed work will comply with Sonoma County Code requirements and all relevant laws, ordinances, regulations, and conditions of approval. Grading work is designated as either “Regular Grading” or “Engineered Grading”. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions about Grading and Storm Water at Permit Sonoma to determine grading designations.

Engineered Grading: Grading plans for engineered grading may only be prepared by a civil engineer.

Regular Grading: Grading plans for regular grading may be prepared by the property owner or a licensed professional acting within the scope of their license. A licensed professional is an architect, civil engineer, landscape architect, professional geologist, or registered professional forester. A valid California seal of professional license and signature is required on all sheets for plans prepared by a licensed professional.

Grading plans shall include the applicable items listed below. Additional information may be required by plan review staff to ensure compliance with Sonoma County Code or to clarify the nature and extent of the work proposed.

A. Cover Sheet

  1. Name of Project and site address
  2. Vicinity map and location map of site
  3. Assessor’s Parcel Number(s)
  4. Purpose statement for project describing proposed scope of work
  5. Property owner name and contact information
  6. Plan preparer name and contact information
  7. Sheet Index
  8. Earthwork quantities in cubic yards (cut & fill table)
  9. Amount of disturbed area in acres
  10. Amount of new impervious surface in square feet
  11. Reference datum and benchmark(s)

B. Grading Plans/Site Plan

  1. Limits of grading work clearly delineated
  2. Dimensions between earthwork and property lines
  3. Grades of proposed slopes
  4. Cross sections of proposed building pads
  5. Cross sections of cuts and fills
  6. Areas requiring keying and benching delineated
  7. Details and recommendations from soils report

C. Drainage Improvement Plan

  1. Drainage features identified as existing and proposed
  2. Subdrains identified as existing and proposed
  3. Elevations of inverts, flowlines, top of grates, high points, etc.
  4. Drainage specifications including but not limited to size, material, length, and slope
  5. Structure list for large networks
  6. Cross sections of existing waterways for proposed work in or near waterways
  7. Details and recommendations from drainage report

D. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan

  1. Best management practices (BMPs)
  2. BMP details and specifications
  3. Protective fencing for waterways and sensitive areas
  4. Limits of disturbed areas (total work) clearly delineated including but not limited to temporary features such as BMP locations, staging areas, material stockpiles, construction accesses, etc.

E. General

  1. Seal and signature of licensed professional
  2. Date of plan preparation
  3. Identification of sheet number (#) of total number of sheets (#) in lower right corner
  4. Space for permit number and approval stamps in lower right corner
  5. Drawn to an engineering scale no less than 1 inch = 40 feet
  6. North arrow and scale (written and graphic)
  7. Legend and list of abbreviations
  8. Property lines identified on all pertinent views and details
  9. Right-of-ways identified on all pertinent views and details
  10. Easements identified on all pertinent views and details
  11. Contours and elevations identified as existing and proposed
  12. Buildings identified as existing and proposed
  13. Finished floor elevations of all relevant buildings
  14. Sonoma County standard notes for grading permits
  15. All other pertinent grading construction notes and details

F. Driveways and Roads

  1. Centerline stationing (construction alignment)
  2. Profiles with existing and proposed grades for driveways greater than 100 feet
  3. Cross sections (minimum of every 50 feet) for driveways greater than 100 feet
  4. Typical structural section detail(s)
  5. Driving surface cross slopes

G. Other Relevant Information

  1. Assessor's Parcel Numbers for adjacent lands
  2. Any applicable setback requirements
  3. Special flood hazard areas or geologic hazard areas delineated
  4. Wetlands or sensitive areas delineated
  5. NPDES MS4 permit provisions met
  6. Reservoir standards met
  7. Terrace standards met
  8. Non-storm drain utilities information (for reference only)
  9. Wells and septic systems identified as existing and proposed (for reference only)

H. Unpermitted Work and Grading Violations

  1. Earthwork quantities must identify unpermitted work performed and proposed work
  2. Plans must identify permitted disposal location of any exported material
  3. Plans must include cross sections of grading work which identify the following surfaces:
    1. Historic conditions that existed prior to the unpermitted work/pre-violation.
    2. Condition representing the unpermitted work or the work that lead to the violation
    3. Proposed final earthwork condition
  4. All analyses requiring comparing pre- and post-development conditions shall use the condition that existed prior to the unpermitted work as the pre-development condition.