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How to Combine PDF files

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Instructions for merging documents into a single PDF file using Adobe Acrobat.

When submitting electronic permit applications to Permit Sonoma via Permits Online, documents must be submitted as PDF files per the following:

  • Plan sheets: All uploaded in one merged PDF file
  • Supporting documents: Uploaded in separate PDF files with the correct individual document type identified

Be sure to name files as required for each permit type.

Important: Executable files, .zip files, and other unsafe file types are disallowed for upload.

Merge PDF Files for Online Permitting Tool Submissions

Use Adobe Acrobat to Merge Files

  1. Open Acrobat DC to combine files: Open the Tools tab and select "Combine files."
  2. Add files: Select "Add Files" and select the files you want to include in your PDF. You can merge PDFs or a mix of PDF documents and other files.
  3. Arrange and delete content: Click, drag, and drop to reorder files or press "Delete" to remove any content you don't want.
  4. Combine files: When you're finished arranging, select "Combine Files".
  5. Save as a PDF file: Name your file and select the "Save" button.

Use Adobe Acrobat to Merge Protected Files (password for files required)

Important: Password protected files will not be accepted for Digital Plan Room (DPR) submissions.

  1. File -> Create for creating a new PDF file.
  2. Choose “Combine Files Into a Single PDF” option.
  3. Select Add File, add all the PDF files you want to merge.
  4. Add password of the locked PDF files.
  5. Select Combine.
  6. File -> Save As to save the PDF file.

Use Online Tool at to Merge Files

Use Adobe's web-based tool for combining files:
Adobe Acrobat Merge PDFs

Use Adobe Acrobat Alternatives

If you don't have Adobe Acrobat, there are some free options availble. Here are results from a search for "merge pdf files without acrobat" in Google.

Paper Documents into a PDF

Electronic Documents Requirement

  • We do not accept paper documents. Please submit electronic PDF documents.
  • We recommend creating plans and other documents electronically. It will be easier to edit them later if revisions or corrections need to be made.

Paper Documents

If you must use paper documents:

  • Each paper document should be scanned all at once into a single electronic PDF document.
  • This can be accomplished at home, by your contractor or engineer, or at a local copy shop.

Important Note About Technical Support

Technical Support: Permit Sonoma staff do not currently have the capacity to provide technical support on a case by case basis. We ask customers to troubleshoot as much as possible in order to ensure a more expedited process.

We do offer the following instructions and information:
Digital Plan Room (DPR) How Tos

Google is also a great resource to look up “How Tos.”